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"Back to your sandwiches?" Namjoon asked sitting in front of Yoongi.

"It never fails me. Back to your ramen?" Yoongi responded.

Namjoon nodded, "Yes. Unfortunately. It's just easier to make. Jungkook has been volunteering to cook me food. I just feel bad. Like I'm using him."

"Yeah. I can see why you would think that." He mumbled. Technically, he had been using Jimin before he completely cut ties with Hoseok.

Not anymore though. He couldn't do that to Jimin. He didn't want to do that to him because he didn't deserve that. None of it.

"So how was your weekend?" Yoongi asked quickly changing the topic so things wouldn't get weird.

"Ehh. Okay. And yours?"

"Umm...interesting." He said. Jimin and him did end up painting his room yellow and moving everything else back in place.

It felt weird to see his room be another color. He didn't know why he had picked yellow. Maybe because it comfort him and reminded him of Jimin.

How come he didn't notice that before? That Jimin had slowly crept inside his heart. Now he felt stupid for all the time wasted.

"That's cool. There's nothing really interesting about my weekends."

"So, are Jin and you like a thing?" He randomly asked.

Namjoon almost chocked on his ramen and Yoongi looked around a bit scared. "Are you...are you okay?" He asked concerned.

All Yoongi was trying to do was start a conversation. He never wanted to make him choke or uncomfortable. He really needed to work on his social skills.


"About Jin or being okay?"

"About being okay." He clarified.

"Oh. Alright. I was only trying to make conversation. Sorry."

"It's okay. No worries. Why do you think that about us though?"

"I don't know. I guess Jin never invites someone over so much unless he has a thing for them."

"With all your respect your friend is arrogant." But so very lovely.

"It's not his fault. In no way am I trying to make up excuses for him. It's just the whole deal with his dad growing up and—"

"What about him?"

"I probably shouldn't say. If he hasn't told you then it's still a sensitive subject."

"Mmm. Got it. Well we hadn't really had a good conversation until the party."

"Jin also struggles with his social skills and empathy in general. Do you now see why we are friends?" He chuckled.

"Yes. I totally can see why." He smiled.


"Hmm?" Namjoon wondered looking up.

"Have you told your model about the six months?"

"Not yet. I don't know how to do it." He whispered.


"Have you?"


"How did he take it?" Namjoon asked intrigued. When he did tell Jungkook about it he didn't know how he would react.

Would he be angry? Sad? Both?

The worst thing was he would also have to tell Taehyung. That would shatter his heart to pieces.

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