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"Taehyung? Hey! Wait—!" Before Namjoon could go after him his phone vibrated in his pocket.

He quietly sighed taking it out. The phone number on the screen was unknown. He furrowed his eyebrows confused yet still picked it up.


"Come to my dinner or you're a little bitch." Jin said.

Namjoon groaned loudly, "What the fuck? Leave me alone creep!"

"If you don't come you're a little bitch."

"Then I guess I am. Bye—"

"You have to come."

"I don't have to do anything you say you heard me? Leave me alone or I will file a restraining order from you."

"Pshh. I'm so scared. Ooh. Please don't do that. Please don't—"

Namjoon hung up and immediately blocked the number before he tried to contact him again. What was that dude's problem?

His phone suddenly went off again and once again it was an unknown number. He declined the phone and proceeded to walk to the music room.

Taehyung was now playing the piano. Just as he reached the door his the phone vibrated again.

Very annoyed, he took it out and glanced. It was the same number. He sighed finally answering.

"Hello?" This time his greeting wasn't as polite or nice as before.

"I have several phones to make phone calls from. Block me and I'll just get a new one."

"What in the hell?" He screamed angrily.

Taehyung heard it from inside and stopped his playing. Namjoon then noticed it so he moved away from there.

He didn't need for his brother to worry about this psychopath. He already had enough on his plate.

"You're coming or—"

Namjoon simply ended the phone call. He blocked the number. Within seconds another incoming call popped up.

"What the hell do you want?"


He gasped loudly. It wasn't Jin. It was his boss. "Oh. I'm so, so, sorry. I thought it was someone else."

"It's okay. No worries. I'm actually here with Jin."

Fucking great.

"Oh? Okay."

"I stopped by to talk to Namjung and Jin happened to be here."

"I was telling him how you're planning to come to dinner." Jin said in the background.

Namjoon clenched his fist tightly feeling the tips of his ears get hot. "That's great! I'll be expecting you here then." His boss said.

"Sure." He forced himself to say.

"Okay well I'll see you tomorrow at work."

"Can I?" Jin asked taking the phone from him.

"Can't wait to see you here." He smirked.

"I don't know what the hell is it that you want from me, but you won't get no where with me. Goodbye."

After hanging up he sighed resting his forehead against the wall. "Is everything okay?" A concerned Jungkook asked.

He was holding a tray of food with flowers as decorations like usual. He was on the way to the music room and happened to hear him.

"Huh? Oh yeah. Everything's good. Is that for Taehyung?"

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