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"Namjoon, can I talk to you really quick?" His boss asked.

"Yes sir." He nervously responded. Had he found about about his model and his brother?

He held his breath walking into his office. This always intimidated him. Even if he wasn't in trouble it just gave him flashbacks of school.

"How's your model?"

Namjoon's heart was beating so fast it's all he could really hear. "H-he's good. Great at what I designed him to do."

"Awesome. Have you named him yet?"

"Jungkook. That's his name."

"Lovely. I actually called you here because I have a proposition for you. Well, I actually it's a favor for me."

"Yes? What is it?"

"One is my very good friends son is seeking some new inventions. I want him to have the best and you're incredibly smart. I believe you are the best fitted for this job. You don't have to if you don't want to. However, they're very wealthy people and this could help your career. They're willing to pay you good."

Namjoon raised his eyebrows, "You want me to do that?"


"But...what about Yoongi? He's also very capable of this." He told. No way would he leave Yoongi out of the picture.

They were friends.

Sort of.

The boss sighed quietly, "Yeah. Yoongi is incredibly capable as well. I actually asked him first since he knows my friends son. He declined and said he was too busy."

"Oh, okay. Well, yes. I can do that. Extra cash wouldn't hurt."

More money to look for hope. To find someone that can help his brother get the  answers he craved.

"Great. I've got his address here and phone number. You can contact him. Thank you for doing this! Namjung will be so happy."


"That's my friends name. His son is Seokjin."

"Cool. Yeah. I can do that. Thank you for this opportunity!"

He took the paper and excused himself out. He made sure to put it in his pocket so he wouldn't misplace it.

On the way back to his office he spotted Yoongi eating in the break room. "Hi Yoongi." He said walking in.


"Oh, I see you're eating Mac and cheese instead of your daily sandwich."

"Yeah, my models obsession with mayonnaise is crazy. I always put it on my sandwich and he ate it all. So I had to improvise."

"Wow. Okay. Hey, are you sure you don't want to do the design for our bosses friend?"

Yoongi stopped eating and looked up, "I'm very sure. You got it."

"Okay. Just making sure. Since he said you knew his son I thought you'd want to do it."

Yoongi shook his head no and continued eating. "Very well then. I'll talk to you later." He told heading out. 

He didn't look up until he heard his footsteps far. Of course he didn't want to do it.

Seokjin was a constant reminder of his past that he so very badly wanted to let go of. Even though he couldn't.


"So, where are we going today?" Jimin asked.

"Jimin! Get out!" He said covering his chest.

"Your nipples are so cute. They're light brown! Wow! Look at mine they're darker—"

"Jimin no! Please get out. I'm getting dressed!"

"It's not my fault your door doesn't lock."

"Oh, so now it's my fault?" He asked turning around and putting on his shirt. His hair was still dripping wet from getting out the shower.

"Yes. It is. Don't be so weirded out about our bodies. They're meant to be appreciated and admired."

"There's nothing to be admired about my body." He mumbled slightly embarrassed.

Jimin came behind him grabbing the towel from the bed and began to dry his hair. He flinched startled.

"It's just me. I'm helping you out." He quietly said.

Yoongi's blush deepened. He had shivers all down his body. It had been so long since someone touched him in any type of way.

"Don't you dare to talk bad about your body. You should be proud of your own skin. Do you see me complain of mine?"

"But I designed yours to be perfect. That's different."

"Imperfection is beautiful too. You're so used to your beauty you don't appreciate it enough." He whispered.

Yoongi remained silent his heart rate going up. Jimin noted this of course, but didn't mention it.

He didn't want to embarrass him because he was growing fond of him. Maybe. Or maybe because he bought him mayonnaise.

"Done." He said removing the towel from his hair.

"Yeah. Thanks."

"You never answered my question."

"Huh? What question?"

With everything that happened he had totally forgotten the first thing he had said when he walked through the door.

"Where are we going today?"

"We are going to sleep...in different beds."

"It's only six thirty."

"Uh huh and? I'm tired Jimin. I went to work."

"Oh! So now you're trying to say that I'm a gold digger or something?"

"You do only want me because I give you mayonnaise." He accused.

"And raspberries." Jimin added.

"I really don't want to go anywhere." He huffed.

Jimin pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. "Fine. Goodnight Yoongi."

Don't. Don't. Don't—

"Wait," he spoke.

Jimin turned around with a smile, "Yes?"

"Let's go eat then. Don't get used to it. I'm only taking you out because I'm hungry."

"I'm totally okay with that. I'm always hungry."

"Cool. Go change."

"I am changed." Jimin stated.

"Umm..." Yoongi said looking down at his outfit.

Blue shorts, bright orange shirt and black socks. "What's wrong with my outfit?" He asked reading his expression.

"Remember I told you about not mixing certain colors?"

"It's your fault. These are your clothes. I need my own to have my own style."

"I did say I was going to take you shopping huh?"

"Yes you did. You also said you'd give me three snapping turtles named Meatball, Mega Meatball and Marinara."

Yoongi scoffed pointing his finger at him, "Nice try. Let's go then."

"You will one day. Okay let's go. I'm hungry." He said quickly walking ahead.

Yoongi shook his head grabbing his keys on the way out. He didn't even realize that he didn't look at the painting on the wall before leaving.

Maybe he was learning to slowly let go without recognizing it.

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