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Jungkook stopped and turned back around once he saw Namjoon sitting in the kitchen. Not that he was avoiding him...well, he was.

It wasn't on purpose of course. He would never ever do that. Since the kiss with Taehyung he felt extremely guilty for betraying Namjoon that way.

It was technically like cheating and he couldn't bear that weight on his shoulders. The guilt, the confusion, the betrayal...all too much for him.

"Jungkook?" He asked looking up.

"Huh? Oh. Hey. Hi. I-I didn't see you there." He nervously responded.

"Come here. Do you want to eat with me?"

"Umm...sure. Yeah." He said walking back to him and sitting in front.

Namjoon smiled sweetly switching places to sit next to him. Jungkook shyly smiled his tummy flip flopping.

He sat next to him without being asked to. Namjoon truly did care for him. He handed him a fork and put his plate in the center for both of them to eat.

Jungkook blushed at the action taking the fork. "Thank you so much for sharing."

"You're welcome. Is everything okay with you?"

"Yes. Of course. Why?" He asked slowly chewing a piece of the omelette.

"I don't know. I feel like you're avoiding me. Maybe it's just in my head." He chuckled.

Jungkook kept quiet. So he had noticed. "It's not on purpose. I promise." He whispered.

"Oh? So you are avoiding me? Why?"

"I...I don't know how to talk to you about this."

"You can talk to me about everything. You know that, right? You can trust me."

He nodded his head slowly, "Yes. I know."


"I just have a question." He said looking down at the plate. If he kept eye contact with him his face would go on fire.

"What is it?"

"When..." his shaky voice trailed off. The words were at the tip of his tongue and he just couldn't get them out.

Taehyung had just come out the music room to get some snacks. He was going down the hallway and heard Namjoon's voice.

"When what Kook?"

He kept approaching the entrance without much noise. Listening to private conversations wasn't something Taehyung did.

However, if it involved Jungkook his curiosity was too much. When he was right outside he stopped and listened.

"When you like someone do you...kiss them on the lips?"

Namjoon raised both eyebrows shocked at the question. This is not what he had expected at all.

"Well, yes. Kissing someone on the lips shows your affection to them."

"So if I like someone I should kiss them on the lips?" Jungkook wondered.

Taehyung smiled listening to this. Jungkook was the cutest. He was so pure and innocent. It was so sweet.

Namjoon chuckled, "Umm yeah. You can do that. With their consent of course. You don't want to force something."

"I think he likes me too." Jungkook shyly giggled.

"I bet he does. You're amazing. How can he not?" Namjoon grinned thinking of Taehyung. It was evident he liked Jungkook and vise-versa. At least that's what he thought anyways.

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