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-*Author's Note: Harvey is one of my favorite characters right next to Shane and there isn't a lot of stories with him so I couldn't resist. If you have any comments or suggestions for further installments please share! And constructive criticism is always welcomed :).*-


"I can't believe this is all mine." Adella sighed gazing over the vast unkempt fields of her grandfather's farm. She inhaled the crisp morning air, bounced off porch stairs and got to work clearing a small area for crops. It was awfully nice of Mayor Lewis to give her the necessary tools to tidy up the farm. She knew she wouldn't get this kind of equipment in Zuzu City. Adella's arms started to buckle under the weight of the ax trying to chop a few trees so it was time for a break.

She slumped into the old farm house and plopped into the chair. Adella let out a deep sigh of relief feeling a cool breeze of liberation wash over her. She closed her eyes enjoying the moment that she won't have to send an email, crunch numbers for the quarter, or spitefully draw her boss nagging her in MS Paint for Joja ever again. Adella exhaled deeply returning back to reality and looks over at the pile of mail on the table. She opens one from Mayor Lewis and sees it's a map and a note is written on the other side.

"Introduce yourself to everyone in town, everyone is excited to meet you!"  -Lewis

"At least he gave me a map." Adella glances over the map calculating the best route to meet everyone.  She looked at the clock and it was nearly noon. She carefully got up from her slouched position and freshened up. First impressions are crucial, meeting people covered in grime and dirt and slick with sweat isn't the ideal way to represent yourself. Especially when these people are going to talk to you on a daily basis. Adella finishes getting cleaned up and to top it off she sprayed a small amount so no one will go, "oh my Yoba! Farm girl smells like ass!"


Adella strolls into the town square and introduces herself to some of the townsfolk. She felt more at home with every friendly face she met, well almost everyone. It didn't bother her too much knowing most people back in the city are grumpy assholes. The last stop for her was the clinic. She walks in to the cool conditioned building and welcomed with the bright smell of lemon-scented disinfectant spray.

"Hello miss! Welcome to the Pelican Town Clinic," The young nurse chimed, "I'm Maru, the head nurse. Well, the only nurse."

"I see, is the doctor in? I'm the new farmer and I want to introduce myself to everyone."

"Yeah, he's in. He probably getting your patient record ready. Everyone got excited when the mayor said there's someone new moving in," Maru smiled and leaned onto the counter, "What's your name? I don't think you mentioned it."

"Oh! It's Adella, sorry I said my name so many times today I feel like a broken record." She chuckled lightly.

"It happens to the best of us," Maru waved her hand over her words, "I'm gonna tell Dr. Harvey that you're here." She gets up to leave when a tall, mustachioed man in a fitted emerald green sport coat steps out into the walking room area.

When he walked in her heart went B O O M! Adella could feel her heart doing somersaults and lodge in her throat. She stood there entranced by him; messy, wavy chestnut hair that he tries to style but can't tame it, thick black framed glasses part of Nerd trademark, and a tasteful sense of men's fashion, a bit of a bold choice with the green sport coat and scarlet neck tie but he can pull it off well. Harvey is a fine dork.

"That's alright Maru, I could hear the conservation all the way from my office," He walks over flipping through important looking documents, "It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Adella. I'm Dr. Harvey." He looks up at her smiling and holds his hand out.

"Pleasure's all mine, doctor." Adella smiled shaking his hand. He smelt of freshly brew coffee with a hint of hazelnut. It was so intoxicating, she didn't know she was still shaking his hand till he pulled away first.

Harvey's cheeks turn a light pink and stammers to pick the papers on the counter.

"Uh, since you— you're new here, I would like to go through this paperwork with you at your first appointment. Does two weeks from today work with you?" Harvey takes out a pad of paper and pen from his coat pocket.

"Yeah— yeah that works!" Adella stutters trying to sober up from her coffee high.

"Great," Harvey jotted on the paper. When he finished, he tore it off and give it to her. "I know you're still getting settled into your new house but please be careful to not work yourself to the point of exhaustion."

"I'll try my best doctor," She slipped the piece of paper into her pocket, "I'll see you both again in two weeks then." She smiled and waved at the both of them before leaving.

The warm spring air cleared her head of the events that just happened. Adella couldn't stand one more minute in his alluring coffee bean aroma, her heart would've exploded. The last time she caught feelings this bad it was a couple years ago for a lawyer who lived in the same apartment complex as her.  They ended up dating for almost three years, and Adella thought they would get married. Until a few months before she moved a mutual friend of theirs broke the news to her that he was cheating on her with the court stenographer.

She knew better to not let her heartbreak affect her friendly disposition too much because she didn't want to burden anyone with her emotions. Now she's going to have to keep these feelings in check when she sees him next at her appointment. Adella's face flushes a deep red thinking of the potential embarrassment when he's trying to do his job and she's sitting on the exam table trying to keep her composer. This might be the first actual time she ever felt helpless.

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