Doctor's Orders

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Adella bounces her leg hunched over in a chair at the clinic waiting to be seen for her sore throat. Her heart was racing for all the wrong reasons. Instead of being treated by a cute, tall, dorky doc, it's a jealous and abusive psycho that won't let anyone of the opposite sex look at him.

But her preconceived notions cannot get in the way of her appointment now. She has to trust Ashley to not seriously harm or worse kill her. Adella watched a fair amount of true crime documentaries to know that if Ashley was planning on doing something heinous it would be when Maru wasn't there.  

The creak of the doors spook here out of her thoughts turning her attention to white coated woman standing in the doorway.

"Adella," Ashley stayed in a bright tone, "I'll see  you now."

Adella follows her to the exam room expecting the worse to happen at any moment. She sits down on the exam table and sees Ashley write something in her file.

"So, you have a sore throat correct?"

"Yes." Adella croaked rubbing her throat.

"Okay," she nods writing a few more things before grabbing a tongue depressor, "Say ah."

Adella opens her mouth and holds her breath as she sticks the depressor on her tongue anticipating she would shove it down her throat.

"Hmm..." Ashley examines the back of her throat, "I'm highly positive it's strep but I want to do a quick test to be sure." She swabs her mouth before leaving the room.

Adella finally exhaled once the door closed. She sat there motionless baffled at how professional Ashley was. She didn't know whether if she should be relaxed or terrified.

"Yep, just as I thought." Ashley steps back in the room with a pill bottle, "There are some antibiotics for your strep throat. Take two twice a day."

"Thanks Dr. Dobson." She takes the bottle hesitantly.

"Maru will see you up front." Ashley directed writing more notes in her file.

Just as Adella was about to leave the exam room, Ashley grabs her arm tightly similar as she did to Harvey.

"If you know what's good for you, I advise you to stop talking to Harvey." She threatens in a hushed tone.

Adella stares at her feeling the heat coming from her icy blue eyes. She could easily tell her off but there's one thing Ashley knows that Adella doesn't. She knows where the needles are kept.

"Okay." She croaked and felt Ashley hand release her grip.

"Get well soon." Ashley stated in a cold tone.


Few days go by and it's the night before the Stardew Valley Fair. Harvey made arrangements to come back for the fair and stay at Adella's place. She is feeling better from her strep throat so she's out at her usual place with Shane. After a good amount of drinks, she starts telling Shane what happened between her and Ashley.

"So I'm about to leave right?... and the complete bitch grabs my arm, okay... and she goes... don't talk to Harvey again or else..."

"Did you say anything back?" Shane questioned being relatively sober.

"Fuck no!" She shouted chugging the rest of her beer, "But I did talk to Harves to see if he was coming back for the fair."

"Well is he?" He asked being actually curious.

"Yeah..." Adella smiles dreamily resting her chin on the beer glass, "You didn't hear it from me but," She grabs his jacket pulling him closer, "He's breaking up with her!"

"About damn time," he shakes his head in disbelief, "You can finally shoot your shot with him."

"I can't wait," she grins and playfully swings her feet, "Soon he won't be an ocean away."

Adella didn't notice Ashley walking in and overhearing what they were talking about.

"Who won't be an ocean away?" Ashley walks over to them.

"As if you don't know," Adella drunkenly chuckles, "Your boo is coming back for the fair."

"He didn't tell me he was coming back." She scoffed crossing her arms.

"Well believe it sweetheart," she taunts, "Cause he told me personally he was coming back... So suck a big fat cock for telling me I can't talk to him!" Adella sang and flips the bird at Ashley.

Ashley's face turns beet red and channels her anger by slapping the farmer nearly out of her chair. The sound alone made the saloon patrons turn to the drama. Shane quickly catches his intoxicated friend and tries to assess the situation.

"Adella, I think you might've had one drink too many to be getting into a bar fight."

The residual slap stung on her cheek and quickly made her sober up, "Please, I'm moderately functional." She stands up from the bar stool and socks her right in the cheek bone.

Ashley stumbles nearly falling flat on the floor. She didn't realize how hard she punched her a few moments later her knuckles felt wet and burning. Ashley touches her cheek and feels blood and Adella glances at her hand to see her knuckles all busted up. The question they can't answer is whose blood's on who?

"You fucking bitch!" Ashley lunges at the farmer but get stopped by Elliott and Sam.

Shane stood between the two women and quickly and carefully guides Adella away from the chaotic scene. Adella blindly follows his lead stunned that she actually punched her.

"I can't believe you just did that!" Shane shouted once they got into the cool autumn air, "What the hell is that matter with you?!"

"For all that it's worth, I claim self defense." Adella explained.

Shane sighs knowing she's drunk but also right. He looks at her knuckles and grimaces slightly, "You're lucky a good doctor is coming back tomorrow. C'mon lets get your hand bandaged up."

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