Luck of the Rain

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A few days had past since his first meeting with the new farmer, and Harvey couldn't seem to not think about her. Striking sea foam blue hair that gracefully drapes over her shoulders, framing and complimenting the warm peachy tones of her sculpted round face. Supple lips that revealed a brilliant smile. But her eyes... those enchanting lilac eyes would rival any cool hue in the evening sky.

Harvey once got his fortune read at the Stardew Valley Fair and the fortune teller said that he would have a connection with someone with purple eyes. He didn't believe in spirits and magic but his curiosity got the best of him.

"What are you doing, Harvey? It's extremely unprofessional to fantasize about your patients, especially new ones!" He thought. "But she's not in the system yet, so she not a new— No, No! NO!" Harvey shot up from his chair and verbalized the last part of his thought.

"You can't base it off a technicality, and pretend later on those thoughts didn't occur." He buried his face into his hands letting out a big sigh. Harvey paced around is loft trying to collect his thoughts. Maybe it was the excitement of having a new patient is getting to him. It was a break in the routine of Alex's sports injuries, Sam's skateboard injuries, Jas and Vincent's playground mishaps, and yearly checkups.

He just had to see her again, he wanted to see her again. Just so he can confirm if it's just new patient jitters or more frighteningly, legitimate feelings. Harvey glances outside his window seeing it's a downpour outside, "Maybe a walk in this weather will clear my head."

He grabs his umbrella and exits his loft. What would happen if I do see her? Should I say hi? Would she say hi? What if she starts talking to me?! What if I say something stupid and she'll think I'm a loser? Oh Yoba why am I so helpless... All those questions raced and echoed his head as walked through the empty clinic. Harvey stopped a few feet away from the main door and took a deep breath. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, "If that psychic was right, please Yoba give me a sign." He prayed before stepping out into the rain.

Before Harvey could get his umbrella up, it get knocked out of his hand when someone runs into him.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry Dr. Harvey! I didn't see you standing there!"

Speak of the devil, Adella spilt the contents of the box she carrying out of Pierre's in the collision and struggles to pick up the now damp and mixed seeds. She had already been soaked from the storm.

"It's not your fault Miss Adella, I should've been more observant of my surroundings." Harvey softly chuckles at an attempt to lighten the mood. He helps her pick the fallen seeds and notices she's getting upset, "What's wrong? Did I do something to upset you?"

"No—no not at all!" Adella looks at him shaking her head to reassure him, "It's just... these seeds aren't good for planting now and... I spent a good chunk of change buying these..." She wipes a tear from her cheek and starts shivering from the rain.

Harvey felt his stomach sink seeing her like this. "Hey— hey, please don't get upset," he quickly grabs his umbrella and puts it up. He takes her hand helping her stand up and hesitates looking for his next actions, "I can fix this— I can fix this, uh... here! Hold this," he gave her his umbrella, "Take my jacket," he throws his jacket over her shoulder and rubs her arms trying to keep her warm, "I'll talk to Pierre about it, please wait here. I'll be three minutes tops!" Harvey motions her to stay put and takes the box holding the seeds from Adella's hands before bolting into the general store. He didn't give time for her to respond.

After a few moments later Harvey comes out panting slightly holding a bunch of new seeds. "I hope this makes up for my lack of awareness." He begged looking for forgiveness from her.

Adella was speechless, all she could do was smile at him and shake her head in disbelief. "You are truly something special."

Harvey smiles bashfully and cuts his gaze. He wasn't used to getting compliments so genuinely, "I try to, uh... I try to help people in anyway I can." He felt blood rush to his cheeks.

"Thanks for getting these seeds for me, it truly means a lot"

"Of— of course, it was the least I could do." He assured, "Are you... are you heading back to your farm?"

"I am, would you like to walk with me Dr. Harvey?" She flirted.

"Uh, y— it would be my pleasure, Miss Adella." He blushes more loosening his tie a bit.

Harvey traded the box of seeds for the umbrella with Adella and started making their way back to the farm.

"So, uh... how do you like living in the old farm house?" He began wanting to break the silence.

"I do actually," she nodded, "Just needs a few finishing touches then it would feel like a home."

"Glad to hear that," he smiles at her, "If you ever need a hand with anything, I'll try my best to assist you."

"I'll keep that in mind." She nodded a bit smiling to herself.

"Are you uh... are you growing anything interesting?" Harvey asked then immediately mentally facepalmed himself. "What kind of question is that? 'ArE yOu GrOwInG aNyThInG iNtErStInG?' She's a farmer! What do you think she does?!"

"Actually, I am," Adella started. Harvey perked up his head in shock. Internally he was jumping for joy that he hadn't scared her off yet. "I have a few bean starters planted and it's kinda cool to watch the vines wrap around the stick." She twirled her finger in the air.

"That does sound quite fascinating." He nodded. They chatted a bit longer till they got to her front door.

"I want to say thanks again for everything Dr. Harvey." She smiled at him with blush filling her cheeks, "Are you sure don't want me to repay you? I feel so bad."

"I'm sure Miss Adella," he assured her, "It was the least I could do."

"Well I should probably get to planting these seeds then," She slightly sighed setting the box on the table, "And you probably have a busy day ahead of you." She handed him his now damp jacket.

"'Busy' is a relative term," Harvey softly chuckled and felt his cheeks get warm. Did he just... try to flirt with her? And didn't make a fool out of himself? "I had a pleasant time talking to you," he draped his jacket over his arm, "Take care, and promise me you'll stay out of the rain. You don't want hypothermia." He advised as he stepped off the porch and started making his way back to town.

"I don't know if I can keep that promise." Adella smirked leaning against the door frame, "Dr. Harvey." She called out making him stop and turn to her, "This town is lucky to have someone like you." She blushed a bit playing with her fingers.

"Miss Adella, I consider myself lucky to even be here." Harvey beamed then turning back to head into town.

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