She's Got You

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-*Author's Note: I've been listening to the Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea soundtrack and got inspiration for this chapter. Highly recommend it if you enjoy the Bioshock and Infinite games.*-


The next day, Adella took advantage of the rainy weather and started going through the remainder of her things. She loves it when it rains, not only she doesn't have to water her crops but back in the city she would curl up by the window and listen the droplets hit the glass. Adella would be doing that now but it would remind her of that walk with Harvey.

She could faintly remember the smell of his teakwood cologne mixed with fresh rain from his suede jacket. He is such a gentleman though, he didn't have to do all that. Every exchange after that Adella couldn't help but feel like on cloud nine. She does have it bad for Harvey but it didn't sit well with her to have a crush on the local doctor.

Adella collects her thoughts and finds an box of her grandfather's old vinyl records. She couldn't believe they were still here. Luckily, she found his phonograph just a few days prior. She rifles through them getting nostalgia. Adella finds a Patsy Cline record that her grandfather taught her how to dance to.

"Wanna listen to some of grandpa's old records, Demeter?" She asked petting the dog's head.

Demeter wags her tail licking her hand.

"Take that as a yes." Adella smiles and situates the record on the phonograph.

Besides being incredibly dusty, it was in pretty good condition. The old record spinned filling the farmhouse with faint crackling music. She could probably recite the steps grandpa taught her all those years ago. Adella hums along time the lyrics putting away more of her clothes and placing some of her keepsakes. Demeter started sniffing at one of her last boxes making Adella rush over.

"What are you doing, Dee?" She questioned sweetly with slight panic. She saw her sniffing the pictures that are in the box.

"Hey! You found my pictures!" Adella grinned, "I've been looking for these, you are such a good girl!" She cupped Demeter's face kissing her nose.

Most of the pictures were of friends, family, and scenic view while on vacation. But she came across one taken last year of her and her ex boyfriend, Nathan. At first she didn't recognize herself cause this was before she dyed her hair aquamarine. It was a simple picture of them in front of a cherry blossom tree in the Zuzu City park. On the back there's a note written in red ink.

"Happy 3 years my love! -N"

Adella clenched her jaw trying to fight back tears. It drove that stake in her heart further than when she found out he was having an affair. This picture was the tipping point that started her spiral into a deep depression.


Adella just finished with another 8 hour shift at Joja Headquarters and shuffles her way to the train station. She couldn't wait to get back to her apartment to get out of her stiff work clothes and have a hot meal. It was Nathan's turn to cook that night and she couldn't wait. He was definitely the better cook between the two, it actually made Adella jealous that he could cook better.

She gets on the train and hears her phone get a text. It was from their friend Michelle. She works in the same law firm as Nathan and they met a couple times at company parties and friendly dinners.

"I need to tell you something. I don't know you're gonna take it."

Every single horrific thought flooded in her head. Her heart leaped into her throat as she typed.

"What is it?"

"Where are you first?"

"On the train. What's going on?"

"I can't tell you over text. Meet me at Alistair's Steakhouse ASAP."

"Michelle you're scaring me. What the hell is going on?"

"I can't tell you! I have to tell you in person."

"Alright I'll be there in 10 minutes."

Adella could tell from Michelle's urgency that it wasn't good news she had to tell her. She felt like she was going to throw up from the anticipation, and not in a good way. The one idea she couldn't shake was Nathan cheating on her. She didn't want to jump to conclusions yet without listening to Michelle first but what else could she do? Adella reaches the stop and quickly makes her way to the restaurant. Michelle was standing out front with a stone cold expression plastered on her face. Clenched jaw, wide eyes, and crossed arm. She mentally prepares herself if the worst walking up to her.

"Alright, I'm here and why did you want to meet here?" Adella pleaded for information.

Michelle's eyes softened with sorrow and guilt, "I walked in on Nathan and the stenographer almost going at it in the chamber hall."

It can't be true, it couldn't be true. She didn't want it to be true. Tear swelled in her eyes then streamed down her cheeks. Adella knew Michelle wouldn't lie about something this serious, just by looking at her face she was just as heartbroken as she was.

"Do you- do you know how long this was going on?" Adella chokes wiping her eyes.

Michelle shrugged and shook her head, "I don't know, if I knew sooner I would've told you." She hugs her tightly.

Adella hugs back crying into her shoulder, "I can't believe I wanted to marry that slimy son of a bitch!"

"Well hey, if want to tell him that he's sitting in there with that tramp right now." She pointed over to them.

"Don't worry," Adella fixed herself up, "I plan to." She storms in.

She stomps over seeing his face turn white, "Hi honey, see you're having dinner without me." She glared.

"A...Adella what are you doing here?" Nathan quivered.

"I should be asking you that exact same question, asshole!" She yelled getting some restaurant patrons' attention.

"Please lower your voice you're making a scene." He tries to reach for her hand.

"Don't you dare touch me," Adella growled slapping his hand away, "I can make a scene all I damn want cause everyone needs to know how much of a back-stabbing two-timing slimy snake in the grass horndog that couldn't keep it in his pants son of a bitch you really are!" She picked up his side of mashed potatoes throwing it at him. Just to finish him off, Adella chucked his date's glass of wine at him also.

"Have a nice life, dickwad." She strutted out of the restaurant.

Adella went to a drug store and bought blue hair so she can color it when she got home. She always wants to change her hair color but Nathan nagged at her not to do it.

"It looks tacky, you'll ruin your natural hair color, you won't look good with it."

Rang in her head as poured the dye on her sandy blonde hair. She choose the color specifically because he despised the color blue. Serve him right for pulling a stunt like that! Adella thought she had their life planned, marriage, a new house, and a couple of kids, but now those dreams are down the drain like the excess dye coming off her hair.

She stared at herself in the mirror admiring her new color. This was her point of no return.


Adella felt Demeter lick some of her tears off her cheek making her smile. "Thanks Dee, I kinda needed that." She kissed Demeter's nose.

She took a deep breath in and glanced at the picture one last time before tossing it into the fireplace. A great weight was lifted off her shoulder watching the picture burn in the flames. The final lyrics of the record removed that stake in her heart, she's got you...

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