Where His Priorities Lie

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The annual Pelican Town Luau, the only time of the year where the Governor visits Stardew Valley and has a taste of what the valley has to offer. Literally. Mayor Lewis frantically urges everyone to make everything perfect so he wouldn't regret his visit.

The one thing the mayor emphasized the most in was to bring something for the communal soup pot. Adella decides to bring her highest quality cauliflower that she saved from the previous season for the soup pot. Hopefully it's a good addition to the soup.

Emily sees her friend and quickly walks over, "Hi there farmer!" She smiles hugging her and puts a lei on her.

"Hey Emily!" Adella smiles, "This is quite the set up here."

"Yeah, this is definitely one of the more fun events that we have here." She told her and grabs her hands, "C'mon lets go dance for a bit!"

The women skip over to the palm leaf dance floor and started dancing to the rhythm of the tropical themed music.

"You didn't tell me yet what you told Dr. Harvey." Emily mentioned, "I heard you arguing with him in his office."

"Oh yeah!" She remembered, "I told him that I thought Ashley poisoned Shane."

"What?!" Emily exclaimed, "But she seems so nice!"

"Yeah but earlier that day she came to my farm to give me brownies." Adella started, "He ate them and you and I both know that Marnie and I don't use pesticide or herbicide— whatever the hell it was."

Emily grunted in disgust trying to wrap her head around it, "It sounds like she's trying to get rid of competition."

"I've only known her for a day!" She pointed out, "How toxic of a person do you have to be to poison someone within 24 hours of meeting them?"

"Apparently very." Emily answers with a shrug.

Adella nodded agreeing and started feeling a bit winded. "I'm gonna go get something to drink."

"Alright, I'll be here dancing." Emily smiles and continued dancing by herself.

Adella walks over to the punch bowl and sees Shane eating hot pepper chutney, "Glad to see you're back from the dead." She joked.

"Ha ha." Shane huffed eating more of his chutney.

"I'm glad you're feeling alright though." She noted making herself a glass of punch hoping Pam didn't spike it this time

"Yeah me too," he agreed, "Emily told me there was arguing between you and the doc."

"Yeah cause he got so defensive when I said she poisoned you." Adella told him reaching for a cream puff.

"It's clear he still has the hots for her," Shane states matter of fact, "She probably sucked his dick to convince him she didn't do it."

"I didn't need that image in my head right now." She glared at him in disgust. Adella spots them walk onto the beach holding hands and even sees them kiss, "What?!" She fumed accidentally squeezing the cream puff into Shane's face.

"Hey!" He howled wiping the cream out of his eye, "Watch where you squeeze your puffs!"

"Sorry," she apologizes handing him napkins, "But look! They're dating now?!" Adella scolded almost on the brink of tears.

"Oh," Shane stated peering out from behind a napkin. He glances over at the farmer sensing her sadness and gently places a hand in her back, "Hey, that's an asshole move of him to choose her over you."

"You think so?" Adella sniffs wipes her eyes.

"I know so," he smiles softly at her, "You need to show him that he's wasting his time with her and that you offer so much more."

"You're right." Adella smiles feeling more confident.

"And maybe teach the bitch a lesson while you're at it." Shane suggested.

"Definitely." She smirks creating a plan.


The soup turned out to be one of the best soups the Governor ever had! Everyone gathered around to themselves a bowl of the delicious soup.

Adella sat over on the pier with Emily and Shane enjoying the food then the worst possible person walks over.

"Mind if I sit with you guys for a bit?" Ashley asks the three.

"Sure." Emily chimes extending her voice for the other two.

The crash of the waves filled the awkward silence between the four people. Even though Shane was the furtherest away from Ashley he was itching to find an excuse to leave.

"I'm gonna see if Jas is okay." Shane grunts standing and leaves the pier.

Emily starts feeling a bit anxious from newly discovered information Adella told her about Ashley.

"If you'll excuse me, I should probably see what Haley is up to." Emily excuses herself before leaving.

A long period of silence surrounded the two women as they eat their soup. Adella was the next one to get up but Ashley broke the silence.

"You consider yourself good friends with Harvey right?" She asked placing her bowl in her lap.

"Yeah..." Adella stared looking over at her with a lot forming in her stomach.

"Didn't he tell you that he accepted the fellowship yet?" She tilted her head.

"No." Adella shakes her head, "No he didn't." She looks away from her and bites her tongue trying to hold back tears.

"Some friend he is," she scoffs leaning back on the pier, "I guess I don't blame him, it's such a big move for him. Leaving this small town for the big city. I can imagine he doesn't have time to inform his closest friend."

Adella didn't want to believe her, but she knew Harvey had busy schedules so there's slight validity to her story. It broke her heart that he never even talked to her about accepting it! She clenches her fist as another attempt to hold back her tears.

"Hey there you two!" Harvey smiles walking over, "Did you two find anything to talk about?" He sits down in between them.

"I have to go." Adella gets up and leaves the pier.

She holds her composure as quietly leaves the beach. Once she gets into town hot tears streamed down her cheeks as she walked back to her farm. Adella was more angry than upset that he didn't tell her or even ask about the fellowship. At least she now knows what his priorities are.

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