Calm Before the Storm

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Lightning flashes outside followed by the roar of thunder. Bullets of rain pound against the farmhouse and condensation fogs up the windows. The perfect reason for Adella to stay inside and watch movies with Shane. She needed a break from dealing with the whole Harvey situation so hopefully watching mind-numbing movies can give her that.

Even though they're watching one of her favorite movies, Casablanca, Adella still felt a little salty about the doctor's decision. She tries to make herself comfortable so she rests her head on his shoulder and feels him shift a little to put his arm around her.

Adella could feel her blood boiling reliving their conservation. How could he be so oblivious to the fact that she is head over heels for him? She knew he likes her too but they're just so anxious to let their feelings develop into something more. By the time one of them decided to confess a wrench gets thrown into the situation. A literal bitch of a wrench named Ashley.

Since that first day of meeting her, Adella had been kicking herself for not telling Harvey she likes him. She also been wanting to do more than just kick her for poisoning her best friend. Throughout Ashley's stay, there have been a few rumors going around about the doctor couple: Ashley tried to shave Harvey's mustache in his sleep, she nearly forced herself on him, and verbally abuses him.

Adella desperately wants them to be just falsehoods but some rumors have at least some truth. What gave her an inkling that it could be true was overhearing them at Pierre's. He spoke softly and cautiously not trying to spark a tantrum in front of the other customers. She waved to him before she left and Ashley yanked on his jacket so hard she could've dislocated his shoulder.

If Adella didn't knew what Ashley was capable of murder, there would've been a recreation of Fight Club in the middle of the general store. Because nobody, especially not Harvey deserves to be pulled like that. The next time she lays a hand him Adella promises she'll make her regret it.

Lightning fills the farmhouse with white light shortly followed the roar of thunder taking her attention away from the movie and to the storm. The force of rain soothes her anger enough for sadness to develop. Ashley didn't deserve him, not saying Adella was the perfect match for him but Harvey certainly deserves someone who gives him an equal amount of compassion and kindness he gives to everyone. She just wishes that he'll soon realize how toxic of a person Ashley is before he gets seriously hurt.

She remembers Maru telling her that he could be leaving the first of Fall. What a more perfect opportunity for her to spill her heart out for him at the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies. Maybe not her whole heart but enough to let him know she's there for him. The anticipation is killing her!

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