It's Something that You do to Me

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On a cloudy summer day, Harvey walks around town with Ashley showing where things are. He also offered her a place to stay because he knows she'll be in town for a few days.

"This is a quite a lovely town here." Ashley smiles looking around, "You're lucky to be assigned here."

"Yeah," Harvey smiles blushing slightly, "I'm grateful to be here and take care of the people in this town."

Ashley smiles up at in admiration, "I'm glad to see that you haven't changed Abbott." She grins linking arms with him, "Except your mustache is fuller now."

"Oh well... I-I think I might've changed a bit." He chuckles feeling his face flush red and rubs the back of his neck. "You haven't changed at all since the last time I saw you."

She giggles softly and blushes, "Thanks but one thing has definitely changed," Ashley holds up her left hand, "I got divorced."

"I'm so sorry to hear that." Harvey apologized.

"Don't be, we figured out we were better off separate." She affirmed him, "Enough about my personal spats, let's talk about why I'm here."

"If it's about the fellowship I told you I—"

"Actually no." Ashley stops him.

A lump got caught in Harvey's throat as anxiety filled his cheeks making them red. "O-oh..." He started as his nervousness poked though.

"I've made a fair amount of mistakes in my life, the most recent one being my failed marriage." She sighs and glances away from him, "It made me realize I had an even bigger regret, turning you down on your last day on my floor." Ashley looks back with regret in her eyes.

"But you were right to do so, Ashley." He pointed out, "You wanted our relationship to be strictly professional and platonic."

"I realize that now," she blushes lightly, "But the truth is Harvey I started liking you while I was your mentor." She blushes more holding his hands, "And I never stopped."

His heart leaped with joy for returning her feelings for him but he wasn't the same man that he was years ago back in medical school. She shattered his upbeat spirit to develop deep interpersonal relationships. But she was in an unhappy marriage for awhile and feels remorseful about turning him down. Years after the fact!

Harvey also remembered what Adella said last night, did he really want to express old feelings for a potential murderer? After reevaluating the evidence he was given he didn't want to believe that it could be possible. The thought that he could be falling for a potential murderer made his blood run cold.

"Ashley..." Harvey started, "I'm not the same person I was years ago, I had feelings for you but after seeing you for the first time in forever I don't even know what to think."

"Maybe I can help you think clearer." Ashley blushes leaning up pressing her lips against his.

The young med student in him started doing somersaults as he kiss his old crush. Any doubts he previously had vanished as he slowly wrapped his arms around her waist. He felt her arms snake to his neck and softly moaned as she ran her fingers through his hair. Ashley teasingly bit his lower lip sending a jolt of electricity through Harvey.

He awkwardly pulled away not wanting to go further in a public space. It also made him wonder if he was just overthinking everything.

"So?" She asked lowering her hands to his chest.

"I think I still like you."

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