Karma Hits Harder

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Adella woke up from her slumber after hearing Demeter barking at someone knocking on the door. She threw on a hoodie and put on her bunny slippers before shuffling to the front door.

"It's three in the morning..." She rubs her eyes, "What the hell do you want?" She opens the door before realizing it's Harvey. "Oh my Yoba, you're back!"

He was dressed in his normal attire but it was wrinkly and disheveled like it was the only clothes he left with. She hugs him tightly with tears her eyes overjoyed that a calming presence is back in town.

"Yeah I'm back." He smiles hugging. Harvey hears her crying and reaches up to cup her face, "Hey hey hey... d-don't cry. I'm here..." He whispers assuringly wiping away her tears with his thumbs.

"I-I'm crying beca-cause you're back." Adella laughs through a sob. She trembles grabbing his wrists wanting to keeps his hands on her cheeks. His smile faded into a concerned frown spotting her crudely wrapped hand.

"What happened to your hand?" Harvey asks gently taking it to observe the blood spotted bandages.

"I might've gotten into a fight with Ashley..." She sniffled lowering her head.

He lifts her chin up looking directly into her eyes, "Tell me what happened while I look at your hand, okay?"

Adella agrees letting him into the firelight house. He quickly gets to work pulling out a small first aid kit from his suitcase.

"Come sit by the fireplace, please." Harvey motions to the couch as he continues prepping his supplies.

She does what she's told and he unwraps her bandages kneeling in front of her. "So, what happened between you two?" He asks peaking up from behind his glasses before examining her busted knuckles.

"I went into the clinic for a sore throat and before I left, she threatens me not to talk to you again." Adella starts off and winces when he used rubbing alcohol to clean her knuckles.

"You didn't punch her at the clinic did you?" Harvey glances up at her needing a visual response.

"Oh no! Definitely not there." She shakes her head at him and watches him properly wrap her hand. "I punched her at the saloon."

"Were you drunk when this happened?" He questioned with an eyebrow raised already knowing the answer.

"I might've had a few too many..." She glances away for him.

Harvey softly chuckles and finishes wrapping her hand, "There, all better." He smiles at her tiredly.

The soft glow from the fireplace emphasizes his drooping eyelids, he was probably running on a full hour of sleep at most. His eyes were bloodshot making his green irises stand out more. Brunet curls going in all different directions and morphed into different shades in flames' light.

Adella looked equally exhausted because he woke her up from a sound sleep. She blushes realizing he was still holding her hand and given the "romantic" situation they found themselves in, its now or never for one of them confess their true feelings.

"You know... I was secretly hoping at some point you would hit her..." Harvey admitted breaking his gaze in shame.

"I didn't want her telling me who I can and can't talk to." Adella confided in him, "And I couldn't stand the way she was treating you."

He sighs till avoiding her gaze, "I—I know but I shouldn't be wishing ill will onto others..."

"Harvey," she softly speaks lifting up his chin, "You didn't ask me to do that to her. I was angry at her for treating you like you were her property and... and you just deserve so much better..." Adella starts tearing up and trailing off.

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