Lightning Strikes Twice

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Harvey sat at the front desk chair sipping on his second cup of coffee of the morning and bounces his leg. The coffee wasn't giving him jitters, he could barely keep in his excitement for Maru to come in so he can spill the details about last night. Besides the farmer, Maru is his closest friend and trusts her enough with all his secrets. The door creaks open and there she was, right on schedule.

"Good morning, Maru!" Harvey beamed grinning ear to ear.

"Good morning to you too, Dr. Harvey." She smiles at him putting her bag away. She glances over at him again seeing he was still smiling like he had news to share, "Don't tell me," Maru squinted wanting to guess, "You saw the meteor shower with Adella didn't you?"

Harvey nodded covering his mouth and nose with his hands. Blush creeped across his cheeks. Just by his acting, Maru could easily piece together the events of the night before.

"And I also take it she kissed you?" She guessed leaning on the opposite side of the counter.

He took his glasses off before burying his whole in his hands. The blush spread to the rest of his face as he muffled through his hands.

"What did you say?" Maru questioned leaning in more.

"I kissed her!!" Harvey blurted out exposing his tomato face. He leaned back in the chair and stares at a vague shape of Maru with hearts in his eyes, "I kissed her." He sighed love drunk.

Maru gasped and squealed happily, "Oh my Yoba I'm so happy for you! Did you tell her you liked her?" She gripped the counter completely invested at his response.

"...No." Harvey exhaled reaching for his glasses. Once he had them on, he glanced at her with regret in his eyes, "We just stared at each other for a bit before going our separate ways... I guess something stopped me from telling her."

"Surely nothing stopped you from kissing her!" Maru exclaimed with disappointment, "Harvey, you devote a lot of time to care for this community and it's time for you be with someone who makes you happy because well, let's be honest, you're not getting any younger."

"You're right..." He nodded agreeing with her, "You know what?" Harvey started standing up, "I'm going to do something crazy for once in my life. I'm going to march up to her farm, knock on her door and say, 'I'm in love with you, Adella.'" He marches his way out from behind the counter, "Wish me luck." He walks out the door.

Harvey quickly paces through town heading to her farm. He rehearsed in his mind what and how he was going to express his feelings towards Adella. It was just eating away at him at this point that Harvey just wanted to shout it from the mountain tops.

He reaches the bus stop and sees her walking towards him from her farm. She was walking in similar manner he was.

"I have to tell you something." They both state in unison making them laugh.

"Jinx again," Adella giggles, "You go first since you came out all this way."

"Adella, I know we've only know each other for little over a season and I consider you one of my closest friends, but you and I both know we have a little more chemistry to be just friends." Harvey blushed and holds her hands, "You brought out my old self that I thought I would never see again and I've just been overall happier." He smiles sincerely at her. "The whole point of me coming out here was to tell you I—"

A bus comes to a screeching halt interrupting him. Their attentions turned to the bus as a blonde hair woman who was not Haley stepped off with luggage.

"Is that... Dr. Abbott?" The woman grinned recognizing Harvey.

Harvey immediately knew who she was just by her voice. Ashley Dobson. She appeared to have found the secret to eternal youth and even looked more breathtaking than the last time he saw her. He caught himself staring slack-jawed as she walked closer to them.

"Long time no see, Harvey." Ashley smiles hugging him, "Aren't you gonna introduce me to your friend? You don't want to be rude."

"Ri-right!" He cleared his throat, "Ashley, this is Adella. She runs the farm here in Pelican Town, and Adella this Ashley," he glances back over at Ashley feeling his heart flutter, "She was my mentor back when I was in med school."

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