Left Like the Tide

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Farewell to the first summer Adella had in Stardew Valley. She had a fruitful season filled delicious fruits and scrumptious vegetables. Even though the summer started off with magic and promise but quickly turned to jealousy and hardship.

Adella grabbed a jar of pickles that she tucked away for safe keeping to give to Harvey as a formal goodbye. A part of her doubted that this won't make him stay but she had to stay somewhat optimistic. Adella dressed up the jar with a simple yellow ribbon and tied a handwritten note wishing him the best of luck and signing off she loves him.

She might be getting herself into a whole world of trouble with Ashley if she gives him this but it didn't matter now. Adella wanted to have the satisfaction that she got her feelings off her chest before he left. It may sound cheesy but she would endure Ashley's torture everyday if she told Harvey about her true feelings for him.

10 o'clock rounded around and everyone made their way to the beach to for the Dance of Moonlight Jellies. Almost everyone. Adella greets everyone standing at the shores and docks growing more worried about where Harvey is. She walks up to Maru hoping she can ease her conscience.

"Hey Maru." She smiles and standing next to her.

"Oh hey Adella," Maru smiles back, "Can't believe fall is just around the corner. Feels like summer just started."

"Yeah it does," she nodded, "You wouldn't happen to know where Harvey is do you?"

"I haven't got the slightest idea," Maru shrugs shaking her head, "It's so unlike him to miss one of these events, I wanted to say my last goodbyes to him before he left."

"Me too..." Adella sighs and glances down at the jar in her hand.

Maru looks at her with remorse, "Don't tell Ashley but you made him happy."

Adella matches her gaze almost in disbelief, "Really?" She sees her nod, "It's pretty obvious that he made me happy too." She blushes feeling butterflies fill her stomach. Been a while since she felt that.

"Also, and don't tell Harvey and obviously not Ashley but I caught him practicing in the mirror asking you out." She softly grins, "More than once." Maru added with a small laugh.

Adella blushes more with a goofy smile spreading across her face, "If he just womaned up and actually did it I would've said yes."

"I tried to tell him." She raises her shoulder knowing she was right, "And I had a feeling you liked him but I have to ask, why didn't you tell him first?"

Adella sighs, "I guess you could say I'm a hopeless romantic and I fell too hard in my last relationship." She explained, "I made the pieces part of me so I wouldn't hurt myself like that again."

Maru nods and looks out to the dark sea, "I'm hoping he does show up so you can at least knock some sense into him cause I'm not a fan of Ashley." She whispers the last part to the farmer.

Adella softly chuckles, "You're not the only one." She scans the rest of the beach praying that she's spots a green dot.

No luck but she does see Ashley by Willy's shop. If anyone has information on where Harvey is it has to be her. She takes a deep breath and walks over to the dock. Adella debated whether to hide her gift or not even bother with it as she walked over. One thing she wanted to make clear was that she was the bitch.

"Glad to see the chill didn't keep you away." Adella jokingly tries to start the conservation with her.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Ashley forces smiles at her and notices the jar in her hands, "What's that for?"

"This?" Adella lifts up the jar of pickles, "This is a present I made for Harvey since I know how much he loves pickles. I wanna give it to him before he leaves."

"That's cute but didn't anyone tell you?" She asked in a tone questioning her knowledge.

"Tell me what?"

"Harvey left this morning."

A verbal hand knocks the wind out of the farmer as jar fell from her grasp. The glass shatters spilling its contents on the ancient dock.

"Woah! E'eryone alright?" Willy asks checking in the two ladies.

"Yeah, we're okay." Ashley stayed stealing the words from Adella's mouth.

He grabs a broom and dusty pan from his shop, "it's no use cryin' o'er spilt pickles." He chuckles and sweeps up the broken glass. "Look! The jellies are comin' this way!"

Tears well in her eyes making it difficult to see the glowing jellyfish. She couldn't quietly go passed the people standing on the dock like she could back at the Luau. But she couldn't stay there and just cry, especially not in front of Ashley. Adella leaves the dock without making eye contact with anyone and quickly enough so no one can stop her.

How could he leave without say goodbye? It has to be something of her doing to get him out of the valley before anyone can have a chance to say goodbye. Alternatively, he could be just so focused to start the fellowship that he did t want to bother everyone with proper salutations. It does t matter either way now, she won't get another chance to tell him that she loves him.

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