An Ocean Away

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A few days into the harvest season and Adella doubled down and reached out to Harvey. She was curious about how he was dealing with his new position but she also wanted to know why he left won't telling anyone.

Sebastian and Maru were kind enough to give her a better computer set up so she can not only video chat with the doctor but also give her something to do when winter comes.

She coordinates a time to go to a video chat with him at around nine o'clock. Adella takes a shower before going in the call and starts feeling anxious. She been purposely avoiding him for nearly two weeks equally due to Ashley and anger towards him. It took a lot of mental effort to even text him after he left, now she's actually going to see him.

Her heart stopped seeing the call request and let it chime for one ring before accepting the call.

There he was, relaxing in what it looks like a hotel room. His signature green jacket on a hook behind him, first couple buttons if his white shirt were undone, his tie draped around his neck, and his curly brown hair sticking out in all directions.

"Hey." Harvey exhaled happily with a tired smiled plastered on his face.

This is probably the first time in a while she seen him smile. Adella couldn't help but smile also seeing the old Harvey. There's one good thing about talking to him over video chat, Ashley can't stop them.

"Hey." She smiles at him, "I take it you had a long day?"

"Yeah, I forgot how difficult it was to look throw a microscope with glasses on." He jokes rubbing the back of his neck, "How is everything back home?"

"Everything's good, nothing too eventful." Adella shifts getting more comfortable in her chair.

"That's good," Harvey nods, "You know I was quite surprised to receive a text from you. Considering what happened the last few times we talked."

"Well I wanted to know why you left without saying goodbye," she started, "I had a present to give you and everything."

His expression went from giddy to remorseful, "Adella, I'm sorry. I wanted to say my farewells to everyone but I had two legitimate reasons why I had to leave early."

"Well start talking." Adella leans back in her chair folding her arms across her chest.

"The only bus to take me out of the valley was at six in morning so I couldn't miss it, and second Ashley convinced me to just leave since they didn't need me." Harvey lowered his head onto his arm in the desk.

She wanted to jump through the screen and give him a big hug. The shift in his personality once he brought up Ashley gave the farmer whiplash. Just the mention of her name made Adella to want to storm to the clinic to kick her out of Pelican Town for her crimes against such a kind, sweet, respectable man.

"She's clearly wrong, Harvey," she started grabbing his attention, "There are plenty of people here who truly care about you. I heard George complained that you weren't here for his check up, Maru was worried that you didn't show up to see the Moonlight Jellies, and I was concerned that Ashley was hurting you."

"Adella..." His eyes softened almost as if he was tearing up, "I'm a grown man, I can take care of myself."

"I know, I know..." She sighs, "I've just seen how she treats you and the rumors going around just puts it over the top."

Harvey breaks eye contact with her and stays silent. It broke her heart more at the confirmation that the rumors are definitely true.

"Harvey." Adella spoke softly seeing his emerald eyes meet hers, "If you decide to come back, I'm offering you a place to stay."

He smiles as his eyes glaze over about to cry, "Thank you," he wipes his eyes before a tear falls, "I hope to be back for the Stardew Valley Fair so I might take you up on your offer."

Adella smiles, "And I might be able to give you your present for when you come back."

"Don't tell me, it's a jar of pickles." He guesses with a chuckle.

"Damn you're good," she laughs, "Along with your pickles, I have something to tell you."

"Can't you tell me over video chat?" Harvey picks his head intrigued.

"I could but it's better to tell you in person."

"Please, it'll be two weeks till I get back home." He begged.

If you insist...I'm fucking in love with you and I was too scared to tell you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship and also your girlfriend is an absolute asshole.

"Again, I rather tell you in person." Adella stated again.

"Alright, I guess I'll wait." Harvey pouted accepting her answer, "We should probably turn it in for the night."

"Yeah," she nods and stretches, "Have a good night Harvey." She smiles at him.

"You too, Adella."

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