Case of Lovesickness

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Harvey sat at the front desk organizing a few patient records at an attempt to kill some time. He only had one patient scheduled that day, and it was the farmer herself. Even though he and Adella have a budding friendship, he could easily take his feelings out of that relationship so he be unbiased as a doctor.

It was a skill he had to learn quickly while he was a student doctor at Zuzu City Hospital. Oddly enough, he had a crush on another doctor, Dr. Ashley Dobson. She had a personality quite similar to Adella's and looked quite similar too only difference was golden blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Dr. Ashley gave a wholistic approach to care the same way Harvey does. He learned a lot from her while he was a practicing student. She was one of the best doctors there.

Harvey wasn't always this shy, he used to be quite sociable and charming. The last day before he finished being a student doctor he wanted to ask Ashley out but the only time he could ask was when he was assisting her in a foot operation.

"Doctor Dobson?" He asked glancing at her.

"Yes Dr. Abbott?" Ashley listened focusing on the surgery.

"I was wondering if you would like to get drinks sometime?"

She shot a cold glare at him from across the operating table. "You need to be concerned about treating our patient instead of planning your next hook up."

That shook all the confidence out of him. Harvey wanted to just wanted to leave the operating room and never come back.

"You're right... I—I'm sorry for bringing it up..."

At that moment he vowed to only be concerned for the well-being of his patients and maintain professional courtesy outside of hospital walls.

Harvey heard the front door creak open to find Adella standing in the doorway

"Sorry I'm late doc, I found a stray dog by the bus stop. I had to give her some water before I left." She apologized.

"It's alright Miss Adella," he smiled grabbing his clipboard, "I appreciate you coming in though. If you'll follow me please." He motioned to the door.

Adella follows and steps into the hallway. Harvey notices her eyes are red and slightly puffy. Could possibly be seasonal allergies, maybe not enough sleep, or something else. He can't jump to conclusions yet.

"Right in here," he instructed opening the door for her, "Have a seat on the table and take your shoes off please."

Harvey could smell her perfume as she walked passed him. It was the same summer spangle scent she wore on her first day in Pelican Town. Once she got settled he took a seat on a swivel stool and started going through a review of systems.

"Alright, just need to record your vitals and you'll be all done." He smiled softly at her.

"Good, I wanna stop next door and grab some dog food. The poor thing probably didn't have a good meal in a while." Adella watched him put the sphygmomanometer cuff on her arm.

"Someone just left the dog there? Was it wearing a collar with tags?" Harvey asked measuring her blood pressure.

"Nothing was on her, but she did look fixed though."

"That's good at least," he said writing the results, "120/80 exact. Know what you're going to name her yet?" He asked putting his stethoscope in his ears.

"I might name her Demeter. After the goddess of the harvest."

"Fitting." Harvey lightly chuckled and listened to her heart beat, "Hmm... your pulse is a little high."

"I'm a little nervous..." Adella spoke softly with a light blush spreading across her cheeks.

Harvey noticed her cheeks changing color. It's a common reaction to get flustered when people get nervous. He started connecting some dots.

"Oh! Hospitals make you nervous? Well, not to worry, Miss Adella, I'm here to help!" He smiled assuringly.

He sees her smile a bit and glances at her eyes. There's some magenta towards the pupil and a few specks of gold. Harvey noticed he was staring and felt his face flush.

"Well y-you're all done." He stuttered quickly gathering his things, "If you could please meet me back out front." He held the door open for her.

They made their way back out front and Harvey starts typing a few things into the dinosaur of a computer. He tries to concentrate on typing but scent of the sweet summer flower is distracting him

"How much for the visit today?" Adella asked searching in her bag.

"It wouldn't be fair to charge for a simple physical, but any other visits after this one will require a fee." Harvey informed her.

"Oh, are you sure? I don't mind paying."

"I'm sure." He smiles and continued typing on the computer.

"Okay, oh! Before I forget..." She digs around in her bag and pulls out a jar of pickles placing it in the counter. "I know you didn't want me to repay you for the seeds but I wanted to give you these." She smiles lightly rocking on her heels.

Harvey stood there agape, "How did you know these are my favorite?" He grinned picking up the jar.

"A little birdie told me." She rises her shoulders trying not to blush.

"The little birdie was Maru wasn't it?" He guessed with a squint.

"Yes..." Adella groaned after trying to keep it a secret, "But I had to tell her what happened and she suggested I give you pickles from that harvest. As a way of saying thank you." She smiled at him.

"Well, I truly do appreciate it, Adella."
Harvey smiled and blushed a bit, "Thank you."

"No problem, it was the least I could do." She mentioned, "Well I better get going, there's a hungry puppo back home that needs fed." She makes her way to the door.

"Adella," Harvey called putting to her, "If Demeter ever needs to see a vet, I know someone who can come into town."

"I might take you up on that," she nodded with a grin, "I'll see you around." Adella waves leaving the clinic.

Harvey waved back standing there feeling lighter than air. He looked down at the jar of pickles in utter disbelief. She took the extra time to ask a mutual friend and she made something he loved. Harvey couldn't think of the last someone put time and effort into a gift for him. He might not want to admit it but he was starting to feel head over heels.

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