The Universe in His Eyes

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"Don't forget folks, around midnight tonight there will be a meteor shower over Stardew Valley!" The weatherman announced earlier in the day.

Adella was overflowing with excitement for the astrological event, she already claimed a spot in the secret woods to watch the meteor shower. She called a few people wondering if they want to join her for a viewing party but Emily strongly suggested she ask Harvey. Butterflies filled her stomach just thinking of being alone with him, but it also sparked a great opportunity to finally shoot her shot.

She patiently sat on her blanket for him listening intensively to the forest's orchestra. Exhaling slowly letting the butterflies exit her stomach.

There's clear signs he likes you too, just woman up and tell him.

Adella leaned back in her elbows staring at the late evening sky. The sun's rays still poked out over the horizon but it didn't overpower the navy hue sprinkled with stars.

A soft white flashlight beam cut through the tree accompanied with slight rustle of feet going through tall grass.

"Am I too late for the meteor shower?" Harvey called to no one till he spots her.

"No you're just in time." She smiles at him and shifts making room on the blanket.

"Oh good," he sighs in relief and makes his way over, "I would've felt awful if I stood you up." He lightly laughs sitting next to her.

"I wouldn't have been too upset, I would've stayed to see the meteor shower." Adella explained glancing up at the sky, "Plus I understand if you had to turn in early cause you had a busy day."

"I could say the same thing about you." Harvey chuckles softly lying down.

A comfortable silence grew over them as they watched more stars appear in the growing night sky.

"Can I... ask you a personal question?" He bashfully asked.

"Yeah, what is it?" She answered looking over at him.

"What uh... made you decide to dye your hair hair blue?" Harvey asked cautiously, "Not that I'm against it! I think it looks great—on second thought... forget I asked..." He stammered and turned red.

"Hey don't beat yourself up over it,"Adella assured him holding his hand, "I get it you were trying not to sound insensitive and I appreciate it." She smiles at him, "If you really wanna know, I found out my ex was cheating on me and I dyed it just to spite him."

"Well, I think it's great color on you." He smiles and blushes more for affection than embarrassment, "Your ex is an idiot for not letting you have freedom of expression." Harvey affirmed her gently squeezing her hand.

"Yeah I figured that out in hindsight." She sighs.

"You just finally took off your rose-colored glasses." He glances over at her, "Something similar happened to me when I was an undergrad in med school."

"You dyed your hair too?" Adella joked being somewhat serious, "Unless you actually did, in that fact it looks good."

"Oh no! I didn't even think about doing that. I already get plenty of attention because of my height and I don't need any more." Harvey stated.

"So what happened?" She asked listening attentively.

"I actually was never this shy around people," Harvey started flushing red, "I had a crush... on my mentor. It was my last day with her and the only time I could ask her out was assisting her during a surgery. She turned me down and said I should be more concerned about the patient than scoring a date." He sighs glancing at the sky, "I knew before hand I shouldn't have said anything but her words stuck with me and it knocked all the confidence out of me." Harvey exhales in remorse.

Adella frowns and gently strokes her thumb over his knuckles. She would hug him if they weren't lying down. "Just because you're a doctor doesn't mean you can't have personal relationships with people." She shifts a little closer to him.

"I guess you have a point," he admitted and meets her eyes, "I try my best to keep my relationships with everyone in town on a doctor/patient level, but I should break out of my shell more and make some more friends." He smiles at her.

Their fingers interlace as they gaze up at the celestial bodies twinkling in the ebony sky. The crickets' melodies slowly faded as the night drew on and the forest's silence filled their ears. Dew started to form around them as it got closer to the a.m.

Adella gasps seeing a quiet string of light, "Look!" She sat up and pointed to where the streak was, "It's starting!"

"I see it, too!" Harvey smiles sitting up next to her literally rubbing shoulders.

They marvel at the sparkling outer space light show as the meteors leaving golden lines across the night sky. The shower unfortunately lasted a few minutes and the night sky returned to its dormant self.

"That was awesome!" Adella smiles looking over at Harvey surprised at how close their faces were.

"Yeah..." He half smiles, "It was amazing."

The stars reflected in his deep green eyes making it impossible for her look away. They say there's a part of the universe in everyone's eyes and his are a fantastic jade nebula creating new stars and cosmic entities.

"Has... anyone ever told you, you have the most beautiful eyes?" She studies his face before landing on his lips.

"I could ask you the same thing." Harvey flirted placing his free hand on her cheek and lets the tension between them pull his lips onto hers.

Chills went up and down Adella's spine just from his touch alone. It was such a drastic difference from the last time they kissed. He was caught off guard and starved of physical human contact that he wanted to preserve it for as long as possible while fighting back his animalistic desires.

He shifts his hand from her cheek to the back of her head carefully avoiding her earrings. Pulling her in even closer opening their mouths a little more just on the brink of devouring each other. The tenderness in his hand made it seem like this was premeditative, he gained some of his forgotten confidence before making the first move.

Adella melts more into his lips and wants to go further than skin deep, and it seemed quite evident that he wanted it too. She mirrors his action and reaches up to his face gently stroking his cheek with the backside of her fingers. Harvey lets out a soft and low moan before pulling away for air.

The cool summer night air became warm around them as they process what just happened. They're both panting audibly but not heavily.

"Woah..." They breathed in unison.

"Jinx." Adella softly chuckled making Harvey laugh also.

"We should uh..." Harvey started feeling flustered and rubs the back of his neck.

"...Head home?" She finished feeling blood rush to her cheeks.

"Yeah..." He nods, "We probably should."

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