A Good Kiss on a Bad Bet

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It's the last day of spring and Adella prepped her farm of the upcoming summer. It took her all morning and part of her afternoon painstakingly making fertilizer and a sprinklers for the new crops. Late in the evening she heads to the Stardrop Saloon to have a couple drinks with Shane.

Abigail, Sam, and Sebastian were there playing pool in the next room over. Sam walks over to them holding a pool cue.

"Hey, Adella right?" He started, "Wanna play some pool with us?" Sam asked with a smile.

"Shane can play too right?" She questioned pointing over to him.

"Yeah, totally!" He sang, "We can play teams! You and Shane and me and Seb."

"Alright, that sounds fun. What do you think?" Adella asked looking at Shane.

"Why not," Shane shrugged and chugged the rest of his beer, "Might be fun."

They walk over to the game room of the saloon and Sam grabs them each a pool cue.

"I hear you're pretty good at pool, Sebastian." Adella told him as he racked up the balls.

"Eh," he shrugged admitting to it, "I would like to improve but it's hard to find good competition."

"Hey!" Sam shouted feeling offended.

"I kick your ass every time we play." He explained and sees Sam sulks agreeing with him.

"Well, farmer played a lot when she used to live in the city." Shane states leaning on his cue.

"Yeah but I'm probably not as good as Sebastian." Adella retorted.

"Please, you came in third place at Ferngill
Billiards Competition. Show him what you're made of." Shane proclaimed with a smirk.

"That was like almost a decade ago, I'm rusty as hell." She told him.

"Well, it's kinda like riding a bike, but if he says  you're that good how about we have a friendly bet." Sebastian leaned on the pool table intrigued.

"What's the bet?" Adella asked with a raised eyebrow.

Sebastian thought about it for a minute, "Loser has to kiss the next person that walks in."

"Deal." She shook his hand making it official.

"Ladies first." He stepped back holding his arm out.

The cutthroat game lasted only about twenty minutes and Sebastian manages to sink the 8 ball. Adella tried her best but he certainly plays a lot more than her.

"Good game." Sebastian lightly smiled holding his hand.

"Yeah, good game." Adella smiles shaking his hand.

"Lets see who's the lucky guy you're gonna have to kiss." He smirks leaning on his cue.

They all stare at the door holding their breaths for someone to step into the saloon. The little bell on the door dings and it's the last person Adella expects to walk in. Harvey. Her heart would've spotted there but her attention quickly turns to Shane when does a spit take and chokes on his beer.

"Are you alright?!" She starts patting his back.

He nods and coughs into his elbow, "I think beer came out of my nose." He coughs more and goes to find napkins to blow his nose.

"The night isn't getting younger." Sebastian teases further as Sam and Abigail were also waiting.

Adella sighs placing her cue on the pool table before glancing over at the doctor. She waited till he was done ordering from Gus before marching over. She couldn't believe she was actually going to do it.

"Dr. Harvey." She stated getting his attention.

He looks over at her and smiles, "Oh hey Adella, I did—"

She cuts him off by grabbing him by his tie and smacking her lips up against his. Dark roast coffee with swirls of cinnamon transfer on her mouth and it's delicious scent implants in her nostrils. His mustache tickled her nose a bit but not enough to make her sneeze. He definitely took care of himself as she thought it was the softest mustache she's ever felt. Harvey timidly wraps his arms around her as he melts onto her lips. He holds onto her starved of any physical contact from a woman and leans more into her letting his desires take somewhat of control. Adella could sense his anxiety by the pressure on his fingertips pressed on her back. She eased her grip on his tie while he tightened his grip on her desperately wanting the kiss to go on longer. His touch was tender and passionate leaving an impression on her back. She could tell he wanted more but was scared to go further.

Adella pulls away for air just as the he was getting comfortable. Her heart was racing a mile a minute trying to comprehend what just happened. His eyes remained closed behind his fogged up glasses. She could feel his hot breath blow onto her face as they stood their panting. The fog faded from his glasses revealing Harvey's eyes. A stunning pair of emerald green orbs with speckles of fawn brown. He pulls his arm back toward himself and their faces turn bright red.

"Have a good night." Adella breathed out and sprints out the door.

Oh my Yoba! I can't believe I just did that!

She quickly makes her way back to the farm not stopping to see if his following her.

What do I do now? I can't talk to him for awhile! What would I even say?

Adella gets home and turns out all the lights to show anyone coming by she was asleep. She lies in her bed still panting. Demeter hops onto the bed and licks her hand.

"You will not believe what I found out today, Dee." She smiles petting her head, "Harvey is a good kisser."

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