Needing Stitches

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Adella picked up her new copper pickaxe and Forest Sword and made her way up to the mountain mines. She couldn't wait to try out her new sword on some nasty bugs and slimes. Didn't even look at the tv to see what the fortune teller had to say before she run out her door. She waved at Sebastian as he worked on his motorcycle and at Linus who was sitting by the lake.

Adella steps into the mine entrance and double checks her bag for snacks. Luckily she saved a couple field snacks from when she went fishing last. The sea water probably added some flavor to them. She hops in the elevator and goes down to the lowest level she last reached. When the doors finally opened she was quickly overwhelmed with thousands of bugs and huge green slimes.


"Wait, wait, wait a minute!" Maru stopped Harvey in the middle of his story trying to comprehend it, "You don't know how to swim?"

"Yes I don't know how to swim," he restated feeling slightly embarrassed, "But that's not the point of my story. I almost asked her to the Flower Dance!"

"I'm happy that you attempted to ask someone but you really can't swim?" She questioned again in disbelief.

"I can't swim, alright?" Harvey admitted annoyed, "I need your opinion, what would do you do for someone who literally saved your life?" He looks at her with genuine curiosity. 

"Hmm... I don't know, what I do know is that you should definitely ask her to be your date to the Flower Dance." Maru declared.

"You're probably right..." He sighed and twiddles his thumbs, "What if she says no because she had to drag me to shore?"

"I highly doubt she'll say no," she retorted, "From what I understand she probably likes you."

"Like as a friend or like like me?" Harvey's eyes grew wide wanting her to clarify.

"Like like," Maru grinned with a smirk, "I also think you like like her too."

Harvey felt his face get hot as blush spread across his cheeks. He took off his glass before burying his face in his hands trying to contain his embarrassment. What Maru said is true, he did like like Adella. A lot to be specific.

"I'm completely head over heels..." He finally admitted resting his head in his hands.

Maru smiles at him, "In that case, you have to ask her.

"You're right, Maru." He nodded putting his glasses back on, "Yeah, the next time I see her I'll ask her to dance!" He grinned confidently standing up stand.

The door opens to reveal the head of the Adventurer's Guild, Marlon helping and battered and bruised Adella. Harvey quickly switched into doctor mode and carefully took her into his care.

"She's got a pretty nasty gash on her leg, I tried to wrap it as best I could." Marlon told the doctor.

"Thanks, I'll take care of her to the best of my ability." Harvey told him as Maru rushed over to help him.

He helps take her to one of the rooms and carefully places her in the hospital bed. Adella was slipping in and out of consciousness from blood loss and they needed to act quickly.

"Maru, I need you to prep and dress her like taught you. I'll gather the sutures and fluids." Harvey ordered before leaving the room.


Adella stirs slightly and groans from how stiff her body feels. The harsh glow of the fluorescent light burned her eyes making her squint. The soft beeping of the heart rate monitor kept time as she slowly adjusted to her strange surroundings. Adella tries to sit herself up but something seemed stuck in her arms. Her heart rate sped up as she saw hundreds of tubes coming out of her arms. The increased rhythm alerted Harvey making him rush over.

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