Beerbongs & Blushing

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After living in Pelican Town for almost two weeks, Adella felt like she was part of the community. Helping out her neighbors whenever she can, taking odd jobs in between harvests, and hanging out and talking to everyone in the Stardrop Saloon. She visits the saloon so much she's made close friends with Emily and Shane. Adella even shared a couple rounds with Harvey. It came as a surprise to her that he can hold his liquor.

The night before her appointment, she heads to the saloon in attempt to calm her nerves.

"Oh Yoba, I hope Harvey isn't there." She prayed before stepping through the door.

The saloon had a decent amount of occupants, the weekly visitors and the daily drinkers. Adella exhaled quietly in relief not seeing him. Shane notices her and nods at her to signal her over. She joins him and takes the barstool next to him. Emily sees her and marches over.

"Well hi there, stranger," she smiles leaning her elbows on counter, "What'll it be tonight?"

"Anything strong, please."

"You got it!" Emily grinned and gives her a glass of whiskey.

Adella chugs her drink and slams the glass onto the bar. She grimaces slightly from the alcohol. Maybe it wasn't a wise choice to chug whiskey. She orders another glass and not learning her lesson, chugs it again.

"Rough day huh, farmer?" Shane comments.

"No... I'm kinda nervous about my appointment tomorrow." Adella sighs gently stroking her glass.

"There's nothing to be nervous about Adella," Emily assures her and fills up her glass, "Harvey is a great doctor, and if he wasn't none of us would be here."

"I would," he added, "Because no germ alive can live in something that's mostly alcohol."

"Oh please, you'll be the first to go due to alcohol poisoning." Emily scoffed.

"Your point?"

"The point, Shane is that I'm overthinking this whole thing and Dr. Harvey has managed to keep your drunk ass alive." Adella preached taking a sip from her glass.

"Fair." He shrugs agreeing.

"I'll be back in a bit guys, I have to do my job." Emily leaves them to go pick up empty glasses.

"Hey farmer, can I ask you something?" Shane asked taking a swig from his pint of beer.

"You just did." Adella chuckles pressing her glass against her lips.

"Ha ha, but seriously," he shifts on the barstool so he's facing her, "What's up with you and the doctor?" He leaned in a hushed tone so they could have some form of privacy.

Adella turned to him feeling blood rush to her cheeks, she didn't know if it was the alcohol or the thought of someone finding out she has a slight crush on Harvey. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Shane leaned back letting a smirk creep onto his face and shifted to his original position, "I saw you two a few days ago standing outside the clinic and he put his coat on you before running into Pierre's. When he came back holding something and you were looking at him the way I look at pizza."

"No I wasn't!" Adella protested as a deep red blush spread across her cheeks, "I accidentally bumped into him, spilled my seeds, and he went to get me new ones. I wasn't looking at him like he was pizza." She stated and finished her beer.

"You sure were looking at him like you wanted to eat him like a pizza." Shane objected coolly.

Adella choked on her final swallow and patted her chest as she coughed. She blushed harder sinking into her barstool. "Did you really have to say that?" She covered her face with her hand.

"Say what?" Emily rejoined the conservation after collecting glasses.

"Farmer's all lovesick over Dr. Harvey." Shane joked.

Emily gasped in excitement, "You have a crush on Harvey?!" She leaned in toward a bashful Adella.

"Can you say that any louder so the whole saloon can hear you?" She peaked out from her hands. She sits up a bit wiping her face trying to get rid of her blush, "Since you all know the real reason why I'm nervous, can we stop talking about it?"

"C'mon this is exciting!" Emily grinned then gasped again spreading her arms, "You should ask him to the Flower Dance coming up!"

That made Adella's face flush, "I am not doing that. He probably doesn't even like me that way." She said with slight disappointment in her voice.

"It wouldn't hurt to ask him Adella, but who knows maybe he'll ask you!" Emily cheered.

"Doubt," Shane criticizes sipping his beer, "He's too shy to ask anyone. Maru asks him to dance every year cause she feels bad."

"I—I don't know guys," she sighs, "Dancing's not really my thing so it's okay no body asks me."

"Alright listen, if he rejects you or doesn't ask you I'll ask you to the dance." Shane confided to her.

"Thanks Shane," Adella smiles at him, "I don't even think I have a dress for it."

"I can make you one!" Emily volunteered, "I can have it ready in a couple of days."

"Emily you don't have to, I can ask my dad to send me one from home."

"No I want to! I want your first Flower Dance to be special." She smiled.

"Thanks Emily, you're too kind." Adella smiles at her.

She stayed for a few more drinks just to make sure she felt numb then left the saloon surprisingly still being able to walk. Adella doesn't like to leave that plastered but she couldn't get over the fact that there will be an attractive doctor performing a medical exam on her. The last thing she wants is her acting like a complete freak while he's keeping a professional attitude trying to do his job. But she can only hope.

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