A Tainted Opinion

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Harvey has been sitting on this for over a week and he needs to think of an answer today so he can start preparing arrangements if he decides to leave. He weighed out his options but he couldn't make up his mind, and he desperately needed an outside opinion. So who better to ask than his closest friend.

Harvey walks onto the farm and scans the fields for the farmer. He spots Adella tending to a hops trellis. She glances up at him with an unchanging expression.

"What are you doing here?" Adella asks coldly and continues tending to her crops.

"I wanted to apologize for my actions these past couple of days," he lowered his head in guilt, "Especially when I yelled at you for accusing Ashley, I should've reserved my judgement."

He looks down at her with genuine sincerity in his and holds his breath for a response. Adella glances up at and sighs standing up.

"I accept your apology." She forgave him but still a bit agitated, "Was that all you wanted to say to me?" She moves onto the next crop.

"Well no, I wanted to get your feelings on the fellowship." Harvey follows her.

"It sounds like a great opportunity if you want to get out of this backwater town." Adella quipped plucking the ripe tomatoes off the plant. "I'm sure there's amazing benefits that come with the job but I wouldn't know cause I'm just a farmer. Maybe you should ask your girlfriend." She commanded in a bitter tone standing up before heading to her shed.

He was taken a bit back and couldn't figure out what warrant such aggression, maybe she's just irritated from the heat.

"Well Ashley's opinion is a little bit biased don't you think?" Harvey lightly chuckles. "I'd rather ask what you think of it, you are my closest friend."

Adella pauses in the doorway of her shed. Her back facing him and turns her head towards him to say something. She sighs and walks in not waiting up for him.

Harvey holds the door up and stands in the doorway, "Adella." He calls out to her and notices a hint of sadness in her eyes, "Is something wrong?"

"No," she starts shaking her head, "Nothing's wrong Harvey." Adella walks over and stops in front of him. "Can you please move?" She looked up at him sounding defeated.

"Tell me your opinion first." He told her I'm calm voice.

"You're wasting your time talking to me." She sighs, "It's an incredible opportunity and you can't pass it up. There happy now?"

Harvey nods accepting her answer. Deep down he wanted her to say that he should stay in Pelican Town. It started making sense, she had her made her decision on the matter.

"Yeah." Harvey nods and steps out of the doorway.

Adella walks out the shed and goes to retrieve her hoe, "Well I have more seeds to plant and I'm sure you're just as busy."

"Yeah... I am..." He agrees, "I'll see you around then."

Harvey tucks his hands into his pockets as he walks off the farm. He slowed down his stride waiting for her to stop him. It's not that he didn't want to join the fellowship, he wanted it more than anything, but he also wanted to stay and be close to Adella.

A pit fell in his stomach as he took his last steps off her farm. Every fiber of his being wanted to turn back around tell her he wasn't going and professed his love to farmer so he would have a valid reason to stay. Harvey respected her opinion enough to not live out that fantasy. All that is history now, he had some arrangements to make.

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