22: DRAGONS - Earth Magic

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"We will be focusing on earth magic today which I believe is what you own, correct?"

I nodded.
"But it's really weak. In our academy, earth magic is considered to be "weak", it's even ranked at the bottom. They say it's only good for agriculture. But don't worry, I don't believe that it!"

"Hah! That academy of yours really doesn't know a thing at all. If earth magic was weak then how would our dragon race survive up until this day."

It's true. Even when I read the novel in my past life, I thought that earth magic was cool. But people tend to overlook it because it's "common". Earth magic can create hostile terrains, firing boulders, good for defense by encasing people in stones, etc. If used properly, it could prove to be deadly.

"Okay moving on, normally magic can be activated in a lot of different ways. It can be chanted, sung, or can even be activated by drawing magical circles. I want you to find what's comfortable for you. Try speaking, chanting, singing or drawing magical circles, we'll try to see what's best for you"

With the help of the memories of the original Mira. I found spells that she studied in the academy that were commonly used by people with earth magic. And there were even some rare spells that not many people know of. It seems that the original Mira really liked to read.

"Use easy spells first then we will gradually go into the harder spells"

"Okay, then.. petra sphaira"
(stone balls)
After I spoke, stone balls were formed just floating beside me, when I pointed at a certain area as if indicating that I want to fire the balls there, it seems like it had a mind on its own as it followed my hand and fired itself in that direction.

"Good. Now try an average spell"

"pétrinos toíchos......enkleío!"
(stone wall......encase!)
Immediately I noticed pebbles, rocks and stones from the surroundings concentrate in one place and began to form a wall. They're kinda like forming a square, trapping whoever is inside.

"Nice. You can use that spell to trap your enemies or you can use that to protect yourself from your enemies' attacks. The more powerful you become, the more the wall would become sturdier and it would become harder to break out once you get trapped inside"

"Another one... varýtita!"
I belive this spell is used to make the enemies have a hard time moving because they are being harshly pulled down by gravity. But looking at the dragon in front of me just standing like nothing's happening makes me question if the spell worked?

"It works.. still it's weak. But it's okay, you won't just magically get stronger in a few hours, okay? Being strong takes a lot of effort so don't be anxious "

"By the way how are you feeling?"

At this point, I've started to feel tired. And no, it's not because I'm lazy or I'm not used to physical activities. The original Mira, albeit magically weak, was physically active so she's pretty fit. So doing this much moving around is not that tiring. I was even very energetic before but the more I use my magic power, the more I feel drained.

To think I've only used three spells and I'm already this tired makes me quite disappointed at myself. I still want to try other things, I want to use other spells but I have to listen to my body. I know I can't handle anymore than this.

"To be honest, I feel drained. That's probably not a good sign."

"It's good that you're being honest about it. If you continued, there is a possibility that you may exhaust all your magical powers which can damage your body."

I nodded. I'm not dumb. I know my limits as of now because I've just started but sooner or later, I will improve. I still have a lot of time before the competition.

"Since I now know how much you could only do as of the moment. It would be best if you improve your magical powers instead."

"How can I do that?"

"Close your eyes and think of your magical power. Call out to it. Feel it. You would then see brown orbs forming something in your mind. What is it?"

"A full glass of water"

"That is how much magical power you have. You do not have that much but don't worry. When I started, I only had a glass of water but it was only half-full so I had it rough"

"What is it now?"

"I can now see a lake in my mind"

Woah. From a glass of water which was only half-full to a lake, that growth is amazing.

"So my task for you today for the whole week is to meditate, feel you surroundings and absorb the brown orbs in your body. These orbs with different colors that you can see only if you concentrate, are actually spiritual powers so when you absorb it, it will help increase your power"

"All I need to do is to focus, look at my surroundings and absorb the brown orbs?"

I saw the dragon nod. That sounds something like I could do.

"You need to have patience. If you absorb the brown orbs, it won't make your magical powers expand that easily. When it gets into your body, your body would purify it. Most of the orbs, though it looks big, only actually has small spiritual powers since most of it is accumulated dust. The brighter the orb is, the more spiritual power it has."

"Thank you for teaching me! I will do my best"
I bowed.

And for a week, Mira completely immersed herself in absorbing spiritual power which proved to be really effective in expanding the limitations of her magical powers.

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