26: DRAGONS - Dragon Blood (1)

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A/N: Ayooo really slow updates because I've been obsessed with Genshin Impact huhu hELp I can't stop playing? >:

"What do you mean dragon blood?"
Maybe I've misunderstood something here?

"-If you've entered this place then you must have dragon blood in you."

If I managed to enter this place then I must have dragon blood in me? Haha. Stop joking around. I have been made by two humans who,although,were politically married, had sex nevertheless. Maybe there's some kind of mistake here? Or maybe it thought that I had dragon blood because I have a contract with Skiadrum?

Yeah, that must be it. Right?

But I'm really disappointed. I came here because I thought I could discover a clue about the red and purple dragons' disappearances but instead, I've been told that I had dragon blood?

Crystal dragon? Inheritance? It sounds cool but being too greedy is not good. It clearly stated that only with those who have dragon blood can enter this cave and have this inheritance, so I'm not qualified.

"No thanks, I'm not interested. And here I thought I would find something to help resolve the problem going on right now"

I sighed in disappointment. Guess I'll be going back empty-handed.
But before I could take one step, a voice stopped me.

"Wait! You there, are you stupid?"

Was there any other person who came in? I turned around and instead of seeing a human being like what I had expected, I saw a dragon (again) but it has no physical body? The dragon is a spirit and he's talking to me.

I frowned. I pointed at myself and slightly tilted my head to the side with my brows drawing together.
"Are you talking about me?"

Of course I know he's talking about me, there are no other people here besides me. I just wanted to confirm why he thinks that I am stupid? This dragon is quite rude, isn't he?

"Yes you! How could you just go back without getting my inheritance? Do you know that not only dragons are searching for this but also humans? elves? and even the gods? And after seeing it you're just gonna walk away like you've seen something so insignificant?"
When he spoke, his eyebrows were lowered and knit together as he intensely stared at me.

"Clearly, you don't know the value of things! Hmph, foolish"

I clenched my fists and bit my lip in frustration. I was pissed, this dragon spirit just says whatever he pleases, huh? But I've decided to become the bigger person here, I'm too tired to even bicker with this cocky bastard.

"I'm sorry but I think you've misunderstood my intentions? Truly, your inheritance is one of a kind and very amazing but I assume that it's only for those who has dragon blood, correct? That's what I read in the stone tablet"

"Indeed, that's why I'm angry. You could've taken my inheritance for yourself because obviously, you could. But instead, you just look at it like it's not even worth your time"
He crossed his arms, made a 'tch' sound, and refused to look at me!

"Whatever do you mean? I am clearly not qualified. I am a human so I certainly do not have dragon blood within me. Thus, I could not take your inheritance"
This is exhausting. Talking with this arrogant dragon won't do good to my emotional and mental health. Talking to him is like talking to a brick wall, no matter what I say he won't listen!

"Huh? So you're lying now? You really think that my inheritance is so below you that you would need to lie because you don't want it? Ha! This is my first time encountering such a rude existence"

"You! I've had enough of this bullshit! What do you mean I think of your inheritance as something below me, I haven't said anything like that at all. Let me reiterate for you to fucking understand okay?-

The reason why I didn't get your inheritance is because I.fucking.couldn't. The stone tablet clearly says that only creatures with dragon blood can take it! And clearly, I'm a human, H-U-M-A-N, human! You get it? Let me explain it again-

My dad is a human and my mom is a human. My dad's penis went inside my mom's vagina then BOOM, they had me. You get it? With both my parents being human, there's no way I would have dragon blood right?"

Woah, I didn't know I had talent to become a rapper. In all seriousness, I'm really not that angry at him. But I ended up releasing all of my frustrations to him because he was pissing the fuck out of me. I admit, I haven't fully adjusted to this world yet and I still have my anger to whoever sent me to this place. I miss my mom and dad you know? And it's so frustrating that I had to leave them.

Truthfully, I wouldn't have burst out. But this dragon is so annoying. No matter what I say, he takes it in a bad way! I've been trying to become the bigger person here and calmly respond to his remarks even if they're rude and are suggesting that I'm the bad person. But he keeps on testing my patience!

"Woah girl, you need to chill. I didn't say you were a bad person"
The dragon spirit tilted his head and looked at me with an expression like I've wronged him!

That's it, I lost it. I was really about to go wild and rap again but he stopped me. Saying the most ridiculous thing I heard in my life.

"You DO have dragon blood"

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