Chapter Thirty Eight

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Cynthia p.o.v
"Cut the bullshit you have never been a mother to me since you left me" Eva snickers

"And did you ever wonder why I just up and left the place without telling you anything or your father anything?" I asked

I sigh as I take my drink and gulp it.

"It all started with you, you know" I said

"How?" Asked Liam



I run to the store as rain pours down heavily on me. I take the medicine cause my daughter was very sick. I pay the cashier and run off home.

I reach the gates to see a dark figure man standing outside the gates of my house.

"If you want your daughter to live peacefully you will do as we say" he states.

My body tenses up as images of my daughter smiles and laughter we had together.

"Do you owe us money? I will give it you please just let me and my daughter live peacefully" I cry as my body collapses on the cold road and rain still pouring hard.

The man takes my arm roughly. I holt

"Can...Can I say goodbye to my daughter one last time?" I asked through many hiccups

The guy nod as I ran to the gates and to her room. I tell the maids each instruct on how to be with my daughter and the medicine for her fever. I go up to my room take few of my belongings and picture of my daughter.

I ran through the stairs only to see Aaron staring at me with my suitcase in my hand.

"I need you to do a favor for me honey, take care of your sister for me till I find my way back to you guys okay."

"Where are you going mom?" He asks

"Bad me are after me and I need to protect your sister okay promise me you won't say anything to anyone even your dad? Tell them I left cause am sick and tired of holding me inside the house" I cry hard as I see the tears on my son as he nods his head understanding.

I always knew Aaron is a smart kid and brave one too. I walk outside the door and seeing the car opened for me to enter the car.

We drove to the airport and board the plane to France where there house is.

As I enter inside I find a-lot of pictures of my daughter and Sierra I gasp at the revelation and seeing this it has been over a month as they keep tabs on my children. I knew Sierra and Eva weren't besties to say but they always talked till Sierra moved away that's when I stopped hearing my daughter saying her name each day.

I looked puzzled as I stare at the pictures and most of them where Sierra and the other guy who I don't recognize at all.

I hear footsteps as I turn to see the guy that brought me here. He gestures me to take a seat as I seat next to the guy waiting for more orders

I didn't want to risk my daughter's life she is the only who keeps me sane each time I have bad day or get sad .

"You will divorce your husband" he says

"Excuse me??" I grit my teeth in anger as I show my emotions they went to far this time.

"Who the hell do you think you are to tell me what to do with my life?" I shout to them.

I feel a sting across my face as I held my face calmly. I look at the man in front me as he smiles at me.

He takes a step in front of me while I take a step back as am cornered I can feel his hands all over me looking at me with desire in his hands.

"I can't touch a pretty girl like you just not yet soon you will be screaming in my bed as I make you scream my name while fuck your brains" he says as he whispers to my ears.

"Don't start assuming stuffs about us knowing each other we didn't know each other till I started dating his brother" said Eva

I shake my head and look at my daughter.

"You two have know each other since little and everything started with being her friend" I said

I look at Liam and Dianne all at once not knowing what to do.

"All I heard now is that the lady is back and is hunting down you Dianne so remember your past" I said

"I don't know most people who would hurt me I know my Dad's guys want me for something But I don't know what exactly" she says

"Anything else you want us to tell us?" Asks Liam

I turn to Eva again.

"My beautiful baby girl I never wanted to abandon you all I was doing is protecting you from the bad people in your life. I didn't know that when I left that's when also Sierra left and when she came back you guys practically didn't know each other but you where friends again so I knew they will find me again so I have been living under there authorities this whole marry other guy is because I am leeching of money from the man and handing it over to their business am so sorry for that. And Dianne I never meant to hurt you and drove you away from my son am truly sorry" I wipe my tears cause I knew am in the verge of tears.

"Don't you know anything, anything that will give us any clue?" Asks Dianne

I try thinking of so hard then it suddenly hits me.

"Each 4 June she goes to the flower shop and buy either red rose or white roses. I once asked about why she buys those specific flowers the maids always says its for her mother and represents innocence and bloodshed she passed through meaning the boss is a lady but most of the people inside the mansion don't know her except my kidnapper" I said

I look at Dianne to see her looking at Liam he tenses up and looks in thoughts.

"What's wrong?" Asks Dianne

"Red or white roses are sure ma'am?" Asks Liam

"Yes I am every 4 june she buys those flowers" I say

"Liam What's wrong?" Asks Dianne.

We both see Liam takes out his phone and dials somebody.

"I need you to look for someone" he steps outside as he talks

We both stare at each other suddenly Dianne's eyes pop out Liam comes in and looks at her.

"No Liam"

Liam keeps quiet.

"Can you explain?" Came Lily and the whole group booms in fast.

"How can she be alive all this years she died?" Says Sarah.

"Left in the dark" says Eva.

"We know who wants to kill Dianne"says Liam.

"Well tell us who then?" Says Eva

"Eve Archer" says Sarah

"Who the hell is she?" Asks Eva.

"She is my sister" breaths out Liam.

Am sorry for late updates. Hope you enjoy this chapter.  Happy new year everyone have blessed weekend my lovely readers.

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