LXII. ode to joy from symphony no. 9 by Ludwig van Beethoven

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It is Christmas Eve, Brett Yang and Eddy Chen had been married for a few years now. Everything was going wrong, a divorce was on the way and it was just life being life. But, a small reminder had allowed them to see how much they truly loved each other.

warnings: minimal angst but a happy and fluffy ending

Third Person POV

Brett was finished putting up the Christmas tree in their living room a few weeks ago. His husband on the other side of the house, practicing. Brett sighed as he looked at the tree. It was so beautiful but something about it had changed.

Yes, it was still the same tree that they had put up ever since they started living together. Yet, the circumstance now was different. The divorce papers were on the way for next year, Brett had no time to argue. Eddy was the one who wanted it. This might be the last Christmas they spend with each other.

So, Brett makes sure to make it last and make it one of the happiest things that they had shared together.

Brett did not know where he went wrong, he fought for their marriage, did everything that he could to make Eddy stay in their marriage but it is not enough. Eddy was simply not in love with Brett anymore. Of course, Brett never stopped but if it's what Eddy wants. Brett will not make him miserable just because he was.

He started to prepare food for their Christmas dinner.

"Brett, I d-don't want to do this anymore! I want a divorce! It's hurting me more than it's making me happy... I am telling you this because I love someone else and I am above cheating on you. I respect you, love you even! But I had never seen you as a lover... I just married you because you loved me and I thought I could learn to love you. I was wrong and I'm sorry Brett..." Eddy said, tears spilling down his face as his hands were shaking.

Brett pulled him in a hug and wiped his tears. He did not have time to cry, it would be unfair for Eddy. He will mourn later but for now, he had to show him that he will be fine.

"It's okay, Eddy... I agree to a divorce but can we part after Christmas? I do not want to make the holidays sad for Sofia. I mean, she's a teenager and she'll understand but I want to give her a happy Christmas instead of it being a painful memory for her each year." Brett said softly, holding Eddy who was still crying.

"Yes, Brett. I do not want to scar our daughter like that even if she's already sixteen..." Eddy said, muffled by the cloth of Brett's shirt.

Brett did not express what he truly felt at that moment because it will only hurt Eddy more.

Brett was halfway through the dinner when Sofia entered the kitchen. She was puzzled that Brett was doing the dinner alone. She had gotten used to her parents being all sweet and together during this times. Still, she helped Brett.

"Pa, I know you and dad are going to divorce..." Sofia started as she cut up vegetables.

Brett was continuing what he was cooking and stayed silent for a while.

"Sof, is that okay with you?" Brett asked, looking at her directly.

Sofia was closer to Eddy than him. There were even occasions where she had told Brett that she hated him.

"I mean, I really am not... But I'm guessing that he was the one who wanted the divorce so you just agreed. Papa, I know how much you love dad but you're allowed to be sad or even be angry..." She started, wiping her tears with the sweater she was wearing.

"Sof, don't cry. It's going to be alright. If you want to stay with Eddy then I'll let you. I just want to have weekends with you." Brett said, turning off the stove and engulfing his daughter in a hug.

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