XLV. 6 partitas for violin solo: 3. love by Antón García Abril

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Eddy Chen doesn't admit it, but he's in love with his and Brett Yang's height difference. There's multiple reasons why but it all ultimately comes back to one: Eddy Chen is irrevocably and sickeningly in love with Brett Yang.

warnings: expletives, fluff

Eddy's POV

I. I intentionally put the tea on the highest shelf so that Brett couldn't reach it. Brett always has to ask me for help when he wants tea.

"Eddy! Come here..." Brett said, trying to call out for me.

"What?" I asked, knowing exactly what he wants.

"Can you please get me the tea bags from the top shelf?" He requested.

"Damn, you're that short?" I asked, laughing as I reach for the tea bags. I don't immediately hand it to Brett. I keep it high up, where he couldn't reach even if he jumped.

"Stop teasing me. I feel cold and I want my tea." Brett complained a little, trying to reach for the tea bags. He clings a little to my torso in an attempt to balance himself.

He starts tickling my side and I felt weak. I bring my hand down and surrender the tea to him. When he turned back, I wrap my arms around his torso, not letting him go. I kiss his neck from behind and he stops trying to get out of the hug. I put my lips near his ear and whispered.

"You're lucky that I love you."

"I know I am." Brett said, turning around and going in his tiptoes and whispered on my ear. I felt tickled and let go of Brett. He caught me off guard and kissed me on my lips. I felt weak and leaned on him for support. He pulled away and hugged me, proceeding to make his tea as if he didn't make me weak.

II. When he hugs or cuddles me, he always fits in the shape of my body.

Brett has his rare moments of clinginess. When this happens, I am always excited. I always allow him to just cling onto me. When I'm standing up, trying to do the dishes, he always hugs me from behind until I finish them.

As soon as my hands are dry, he immediately hugs me. He starts off slow, hands caressing my skin, sending shivers down my spine. There's nothing sexual about the touch, it was loving and intimate. After caressing my skin, he kisses it softly, he's never really affectionate when it comes to physicality. I always value it because he knows that my love language is physical. He whispers in my ear, sweet nothings and sensitive sentiments, he's showing his vulnerability to me.

After treating me, he treats himself by engulfing himself on my warmth and body. His body perfectly fits in mine, making it so convenient for hugging and intimate sessions. I always hold him back, allowing him to get the maximum warmth. I'm usually the one doing this to him, so when he's the one being clingy, I make it the best for him.

I swear, this man is both my death and resurrection.

III. I always allow him to cry on my chest when he has his off days.

I found out that he cries and he wants someone to hold when crying. He's not as pretty as you would think he is when crying. Of course, he's human too. He's not perfect but he's the best man I've ever been with.

He tries his hardest not to be heard. He cries silently when he's alone. He holds his pillow close to him and just cries silent tears. When I find him, he looks up at me with tired eyes and a red face. He opens his arms and I place myself in his arms willingly. He starts sobbing the moment he places his head on my shoulder.

I just rub his back and allow him to cry. I give him water and rub his back. I want to reassure him that he will be fine, as long as he has me.

IV. I lean down to kiss him when he's lazy to tiptoe.

Brett is always working. He loves being productive and working hard. That means even with kissing me. He loves doing the effort for me and that includes kissing. He always tiptoes to kiss me on the lips. It's really sweet and I love him because of it.

There are days where his body just doesn't want to do anything. That means that even if he wants to kiss me, I'm the one leaning down for him. Brett was getting up from bed and I entered the room. He had been awake for a while now, he even got up to brush his teeth and hair.

When I entered the room, he gestured me to come near him. When I did, he hugged me and rubbed his head on my chest. I hugged him back and buried my face on his hair. He looked up at me and smiled. I know that look. He wants a kiss. Who am I to deny that?

I lean my head down for him to kiss me properly. Even if I'm taller that him and leaned down for him, he's the one kissing me passionately. He's still holding me and I could feel him smile against the kiss. I hold him for me to get a grip back on reality.

V. Even if he's usually the one dominating me in bed, he loves getting manhandled when it comes to foreplay.

Brett was kissing me deeply, his back against the wall. He never told me but I found out that his weakness was getting manhandled during foreplay. So, what I do is I grab his thigh put it up to my waist to get access on his crotch. He moans into the kiss but he doesn't lose his dominance.

"Jump." I whispered in between the kiss and he does so.

I carry him and he wraps his legs around my waist. He's still leaned against the wall and he seems a bit taller than me. Brett was still dominating the kiss and I feel myself lean more into him for support.

VI. I love Brett despite his imperfections.

As much as Brett is perfect for me, he's not perfect. His imperfections are what makes him, well, himself. I couldn't help but love him despite of every imperfection. It doesn't matter for me. What matters is he loves me and I love him.

Him loving me is enough to keep me going in this life time. Him loving me is enough to make me the luckiest person to walk on this earth. And loving him? Loving him is heaven on this very hellish, living world.

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