LI. violin concerto, i. allegro by Samuel Barber

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It has been a year since Brett Yang broke up with Eddy Chen. Brett was going to propose to someone but Eddy doesn't know who. Being Brett's best friend (who's still in love with him) helps to plan a proposal date. He just didn't know that it was supposed to be for him.

warnings: expletives, a small amount of angst but fluffy overall

Eddy's POV

It is not easy to get over Brett Yang. Especially after he broke up with you, claiming that he just woke up and all the feelings that he had for you was gone. It was painful at first, of course. I promised to be a best friend no matter what and I believe that this is the right thing.

So, here I am today, in front of Brett's family home. He told me about how he needs help for a proposal. I wanted to say no, I really did. I just couldn't refuse when he asked, and maybe he knows that I'm still in love with him. Just maybe.

I mean, who would forget Brett Yang if he was your first everything? He was my first kiss, first crush, first love, first boy I've ever slept with (both innocently and not so innocently) and most importantly he was the first to love me back. Maybe, it's true when they say that first love never dies. At least with me it didn't, I swear though, I'm trying. He's getting engaged now and I should back away.

We dated when I was seventeen and he was eighteen. If we didn't break up, it would've been our ninth anniversary today. I don't think he remembers, though. I mean, he did say that he still loved me just not the same way as he did. If ever he asks me to be his best man, I don't have the option to disagree.

It just puzzled me that he could immediately propose to someone who he has been dating for months only. Maybe he just didn't see a future with me? It's such a shame because I saw everything with him and him alone. Imagining that with someone else is hard to do so.

He opened the door and he looks tired yet there's a certain glow on his face. He's so in love, it kinda hurts. It hurts knowing that he will never love me like that again. I would have preferred to be just a pining best friend without knowing his love but I can't. I just have to live with knowing his love.

"Ready to go?" He asked, smiling at me.

I feel my throat dry up but I manage to croak out a response.


We went to his car and he drove us to the mall. Brett had his eye set on the jewelry store. I follow him hesitantly. I try so hard to look around and avoid his eyes. Once we enter, we were greeted by a very nice lady.

"Good morning, welcome to the shop. Do you have anything specific in mind?"

"I actually do not but I would just look around. If you have recommendations I would gladly take it." Brett said politely.

"Yeah, just describe the love of your life and will find something."

"Well, he's simple and he hates wearing rings because he claims that it gets in the way. I want the design to be grand but light in weight. Preferably silver or white gold." Brett said, smiling at the lady.

The lady pulls out a few options and Brett looks at them all intently, smiling every now and then. I've never seen him so happy. I couldn't bring myself to ask him why it was so easy for him to just ask this man to marry. Not to mention that it's a man, too. It would've been better to see him with a woman but either way, I still will be alone.

I look around the shop, looking for rings. I don't really have an intention to do so, it's more for distraction purposes. I saw two rings that are specifically gold and silver. I could see Brett and I wearing it as an engagement ring. Still, I swallow all of these thoughts deep in the back of my mind. It's simply impossible at this stage now.

"Eddy, come here."


"Try this for me."

Brett is holding a gold ring that has small diamonds encrusted in it. I hold my hand out and he wears it on my ring finger. It's the exact size for me and I don't say anything much.

"Aww, you guys are so cute together, no wonder you're getting married. I'm sorry if that was unprofessional but I can't help it." The lady said, smiling.

"Thank you but we're not together. I'm just his best friend helping him look for a ring for his soon to be fiancé." I said politely.

"My apologies. I hope that you find a ring for your boyfriend." She said sincerely, Brett just nodded.

I take off the ring and hand it back to her gently. I go back to where I was before he called me as he looks for the perfect ring. I spot the rings again smile sadly. In another life that's great. In another life. By the time I come back to where he was, Brett was already finished picking his ring. When we were outside, I asked him if he still needed anything for his proposal date tonight.

"No, that's about it. I still need you there for tonight, though."


"Moral support. Me and his family will be there. Some of our friends, too. It would mean a lot if I had my best friend by my side." He said, genuinely looking up at me with admiration. It takes a lot to not break.

"Of course. Your house at 8, right?"

"Yeah, just wear something formal yet comfortable."

"I'll take note of that. See you later?"

"Yeah, you will."

Just after that, he walked away to get back to his house. Most likely to get ready for tonight. God knows I need to get ready, too. It's not like I will be gone in his life entirely, right? I'll still be there, just not in the way that I want.

I'm being selfish. It's not about me, it's about his happiness. I just have to accept that it's simply not me anymore. I have to let him go and let him be happy. I will only drag him down.

- - - - - - - - - -

It's now eight pm and I already see how amazingly Brett decorated their backyard. The lights were soft yet it wasn't too dim to not see anything. There is also a trail of tea light candles. I started to go to the backyard, seeing Brett's family and mine?

Berlin Philharmonic's slower and softer rendition of salut d'amour was playing in the background. Belle just smiled at me and lead me to where Brett was standing, looking sharp in a suit that's all black. I now feel very underdressed. I was just wearing slacks and an incredibly nice black shirt with a tie.

What was happening? Why is Brett smiling at me, isn't he supposed to be proposing to his boyfriend? Isn't it supposed to be just his family and his boyfriend's?

All my questions are unanswered and my mind went blank as he kneeled down in front of me.

"Eddy Chen, you don't know how much of an idiot I am for letting you go like that. It was the worst year of my life, especially knowing that no one simply compares with you. I don't even know why I've tried but I can't find another you. I know that I've hurt you so much and I don't think you could ever forgive me for it. Whatever ran through my head that time, I do not know and it is wrong. So, so wrong because I never stopped loving you." He said, tears running down his face. I couldn't do or say anything to him, way too shocked to respond.

"I don't know if you still love me or not or if you'll accept my proposal but I love you. Edward Chen, the love of my life, I am sorry for the past year and this sudden proposal but will you marry me?" Brett said, pulling a box out of his pocket to present a beautiful white gold ring.

"Brett, I love you, I always have and never stopped. Y-yes, I will marry you." I said breathlessly as he slid the ring on the third finger of my left hand.

I pull him up from where he was kneeling and put the other ring on his finger. I rest my forehead against his, still feeling tears run down my cheeks.

"I promise not to hurt you ever again, Eddy. I swear..."

"I know, just please kiss me and hold me."

As we have our moment, I hear our families cheering and a few of our friends are there. They congratulate us and give us the best wishes. It was most definitely the best night of my life. I was just thankful that Brett still loved me.

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