LIII. nocturne in e-flat minor, op. 9, no. 2 by Frederic Chopin

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It is now three am, both Brett Yang and Eddy Chen were in Brett's family home with everyone asleep besides them. They we're about to go up to Brett's room until Eddy asked for a kiss on their way up the stairs. Brett was going first so he seemed taller than Eddy, giving them an artificial height difference.

warnings: expletives, very much fluff

Third Person POV

Brett and Eddy had just finished watching two movies. They think that it's a well-deserved break because of the amount of videos they've filmed and the hours of practice that they have done. Eddy was in Brett's family home for the evening because Brett's mom invited him for dinner and who was he to reject a perfect and satisfying Chinese food from Brett's mom?

They were supposed to sleep after eating but Brett's family invited them to watch movies for a while. They couldn't disagree because it would be a good excuse to sit so close next to each other and just cuddle. After watching Chinese movie that fortunately, didn't have a fake violin scene made the movie relaxing and enjoyable. While it was playing, both have their attention on the film but they were cuddling.

Brett loves playing with Eddy's hair when they cuddle and Eddy just loves being held by Brett. If course, they were shy about public display of affections in front of Brett's family so they make sure to just cuddle and not kiss. When the film was finished, it was quite late. Brett's mom and dad said that they were going to bed already.

The second film they watched was Greta. The movie was a great action/thriller movie and there are a lot of features of classical music. Brett's younger brother, left halfway through the movie because he was tired and in need of sleep. He left them alone to finish the movie.

Brett and Eddy didn't go to bed even after finishing the movie. They both thought that it would be a good idea to just eat ice cream at two in the morning. Maybe it was too unhealthy but they didn't care. Ice cream is perfect for anytime of the day, or in their case, night. They didn't have anything specific in mind to talk about so they stay quiet and allow the peaceful atmosphere to sink in to their world. It was a rare moment for them to have these moments.

After eating ice cream, Eddy was fast to cling onto Brett as if there was no tomorrow. Brett just chuckled softly, holding Eddy as tight as the younger was holding him. It was amazing how Eddy could be this serious individual, to a clingy boyfriend who just wants to cuddle. It puzzled Brett but he didn't mind. He's sure he has that type of thing also.

Eddy did not let go of Brett even if Brett signalled him to go to his bedroom. Eddy just made his body limp, making it heavier so that Brett can't lift him up. Brett groans but try his hardest to lift Eddy up but he doesn't succeed. So, he gave up and just walked away to go to the room, just to tease Eddy.

"Brett don't leave me here alone, feeling cold." Eddy said, whining at the sudden lost of contact.

"Get your lazy ass here, then. I want to sleep, it's almost three am." Brett said, coaxing Eddy to lie down with him and sleep.

Eddy walked hand in hand with Brett. By walking, Brett means half-dragging Eddy across their kitchen to his bedroom. When they were in the staircase, Eddy tugged on Brett's hoodie sleeve.

"I need a kiss to keep me from going up there." Eddy once again, complained.

"It's literally just a few steps up." Brett protested, dragging Eddy up the stairs.

"But I need your lips on mine to keep on going. Please?"

"Fine, just one kiss, okay? Then we get upstairs."

Brett took a step down on the staircase, holding the railing to support himself. This gave them an artificial height difference, making Brett taller than he really is. Eddy was happy with this set up, not wanting to lean down to kiss Brett.

Brett made their foreheads touch, softly holding the side of Eddy's neck. Eddy sighed just wanting to kiss Brett already. He stood on his tiptoes to finally kiss Brett. Brett leaned down lower and moved their lips together. Eddy had his arms wrapped around the nape of Brett's neck. Brett's hands were resting on Eddy's waist, pulling him closer to Brett.

After a few moments, Brett pulled away. Eddy whined but fulfilled his promise anyway. They went up the stairs and to Brett's room. Brett gave him pajamas for him to be more comfortable. Eddy refused, saying that they don't need clothes to sleep. The older man disagreed so the younger just wore boxers.

They both lie down, facing each other as Brett pulled the blanket up to their shoulders. Eddy went closer to Brett, wanting to feel his warmth even more. The older simply cannot resist another kiss from the younger man. He was caressing Eddy's bare skin just to feel goosebumps littered on his arms. He traced Eddy's spine gently and he felt the younger shiver in response.

When they pulled away, Brett was admiring his boyfriend's skin on the moonlight. Sure, it wasn't as smooth as people expected but it was fine for Brett. He loved the younger man beyond his physical attributes. It was just a bonus that he was really attractive. He was still tracing patterns on the younger's skin.

He could feel the younger getting sleepy as he placed his head on Brett's shoulder. He held onto Brett as tight as he could without suffocating the older man. The older man sighed in content and simply just hugged him back.

It goes without saying that Brett Yang's love for Eddy Chen is unconditionally beautiful, true, very pure and vice versa.

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