LX. romeo and juliet fantasy overture by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

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Eddy Chen was over the moon about the date that Brett Yang had set up for them. Brett, on the other hand, was terribly nervous about the confession that he has to do after their date. He didn't know how it will turn out, so he just hopes that it wouldn't be so bad. (part two)

warnings: expletives, angst but good ending

Third Person POV

No matter what happens tonight, Brett does not want to know. He was just anticipating what will happen after he confessed. Although, it doesn't matter for now. Brett was helping Eddy get dressed for the date that he had arranged with Hyung last week.

"Brett, is the light blue button up shirt okay or should I go with the black high-necked one?" Eddy asked, putting the shirts up his torso to see which one would look better.

"What are you wearing again? For your pants?" Brett asked.

"I was planning on wearing the white jeans?" Eddy said hesitantly, blushing.

Brett felt as though he was intruding Eddy's thoughts but he knows what Eddy is thinking about. Eddy knows that he looks good in those jeans, especially how it accentuates his lower body. Brett pretended to think about it but he knows what to make Eddy wear.

"I think the light blue one would be better..." Brett said carefully yet thoughtfully.

"Okay, light blue it is. Just wait for me okay? I have to take a shower."

"Sure. Don't take too long..."

Brett was not feeling good about any of this at all. What if Eddy will leave him in Sydney? What if he wouldn't talk to Brett afterwards? What if he ruins TwoSet Violin? What if Eddy never wants to see his face ever again after that confession? What if Eddy will hate him after it?

All of these thoughts have been bothering him for a whole week now. He really didn't want to see Eddy walk out of his door and leave his life forever. It would kill Brett. He feels as though he forgot how to live without Eddy. Eddy came out of the bathroom, already dressed.

Then they moved to the living room, Eddy was already putting his shoes on as Hyung will arrive anytime soon. Brett was now anxious to see Hyung. He was afraid of everything that might happen but he does not want to get in between Eddy's happiness.

"Brett, I really don't know how to repay you... Thank you for persuading Hyung to go out with me." Eddy said, voice filled with sincerity and sentimentality. "You're really the best friend I could ever have. Honestly, Brett, I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you for always looking out after me." Eddy added, eyes growing soft and his fingers about to reach out for Brett's hand.

Brett had seen this all before. It is not any different from what he had seen over the years. He dared not look into those eyes as he might never find himself again if he got lost in them. He swallowed the real feelings he felt and pushed it down to the depths of his stomach, in the hopes that the acid will incinerate the same old feeling he always had for Eddy.

If you only know what I feel, you wouldn't say that to me.

Brett thought as he extended his hand out for Eddy to hold. He concentrated on getting his heartbeat back on time with its normal pace. The moment Eddy's skin made contact with his, he feels the wildfire coursing throughout his entire body, bringing back to life the fire that once burned inside him. It was the good kind of pain, the one that reminded him on his part as the younger's best friend. Only a best friend.

"Of course. It's what best friends do. You don't have to thank me, thank you for telling me." Brett said, meaning every single word that slides off of his tongue. He held onto Eddy's hand as though he would never let go.

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