XX. la mer, i. from dawn until noon on the sea by Claude Debussy

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When Brett Yang and Eddy Chen were in a hotel near the beach and both woke up early, they walk along the shore. It was Brett's birthday and Eddy just wants to give him a great day, despite of what he saw the night before.

warnings: expletives, angst and fluff

Third Person POV

Eddy Chen tries so hard to forget the image of his love with another woman on the hotel bed. He doesn't want to hold it against Brett. He knew that somewhere along the relationship, Brett will stop loving him. Of course, even if he has entertained the idea, it doesn't mean that it won't kill him if it happens. He loves Brett too much and if Brett wasn't happy with him then he'll allow the older to leave. Not that he doesn't want to fight for it, but the fact that Brett no longer loves him is enough to let go.

He understands, though. He would get why Brett would leave him. He was too judgmental sometimes, he's too much of a perfectionist, he doesn't easily lose his temper but if he does he explodes, he never wants to go out as much as Brett wants and he really wants his space. He comes off as independent, as if he doesn't need Brett, but he does. He's holding onto Brett for his dear life but he didn't want Brett to think he was weak. He was also not as beautiful as anyone else.

Eddy knows these things all too well and he tries to change them to become a better person. He's doing it for himself.

That was the night that Brett didn't address it. Eddy has seen this way too much for his own good. They're still together because it seems like both are just waiting for the other to end it. Even if the memory was still fresh on Eddy's mind, he set it aside for the birthday of his beloved. He swallows his pride and of course, he still wants Brett to be happy.

Even if the relationship ends, Eddy is still Brett's best friend and vice versa.

Eddy was sitting on the lobby. He was looking for places to go since they both had the free time today. They especially made the day free so they could celebrate his birthday together. Even if that mess happened, a birthday is still a birthday. They still have to celebrate it, lovers or not. He really couldn't find a nice place so maybe a stroll or a swim by the beach near the hotel will be okay.

Eddy has not slept yet, it was obvious in his appearance. The woman did spend the night with Brett anyway. She was beautiful. Eddy can't help but feel small when she saw him. He thinks it's one of the reasons why Brett will leave him. Eddy doesn't know when but he feels that Brett will break it off soon.

He smiles bitterly to himself as he sees Brett walk towards him. The older man has guilt written across his face as he saw the younger. Eddy brushed it off and smiled at Brett. It wasn't a fake one, it was a real genuine smile.

"Eddy, I'm sorry." Brett said, looking at the ground.

"You don't have to say sorry. I understand. Happy birthday, you have to enjoy your day Brett. I have plans, are you ready to go?" Eddy said calmly.

"Yeah, are you hungry, Eddy?" Brett asked.

"No, but if you are we can go to this diner that's walking distance from here. It has a nice view of the beach."

"Yeah, sure. Coffee sounds lovely at four thirty in the morning."

They left the lobby and walked to the cafe. It really wasn't that cold, but Brett felt the breeze beat down his back. Eddy took his denim and pink jacket for Brett to wear. Eddy could smell the woman's perfume that lingers on Brett's clothes but he decides to ignore it. They will talk about it after this.

They arrived at the diner and Brett ordered his food and coffee. Eddy just ordered coffee, he doesn't have the appetite to eat. They sat quietly, having small talk and admiring the skyline between the sky and the sea.

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