XXXVIII. adagio for strings by Samuel Barber

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No matter how much Eddy Chen walks away, he'll always come back to his home, who is also Brett Yang.

warnings: expletives, angst

Third Person POV

It goes without saying that Brett Yang and Eddy Chen are partners. They're best friends, they're each other's home and they always are a duo. There's no Brett if there's no Eddy and vice versa.

That's just how they've always been.

It's one of the things that doesn't change even if seasons do. They know their partners, what's unclear is their relationship. They tell people that they're best friends, people see them as lovers, relatives see them as brothers, but the way they see each other is different. Eddy holds onto Brett for dear life and Brett does the same. Only, Brett allows Eddy to hold on more. Not that he doesn't hold on as strong, it's just, Brett's afraid.

Brett's afraid to hold on even more because he already trusts Eddy with his life. He'll let Eddy Chen ruin his life, but in the best way possible. It's not right nor fair, but what can Brett do? He loves the man more than the man loves himself.

As for Eddy Chen, he just holds onto Brett. Only because Brett knows him better than he knows himself. It does not matter whatever or whoever he did, Brett will never judge and only listen to him. Brett always listens to him.

It had always been like that. Nothing really could change the fact that Eddy is slowly fucking up his life and Brett could only watch. A person who doesn't want to change cannot change. Brett wants Eddy to know that he'll be there for him and that he loves him so much.

Let's face it, no friends sleep in each other's beds and wake up in each other's arms. Friends don't kiss each other tenderly on the lips or hold onto the other for dear life. Friends don't hold each other tight for so long. Friends don't love each other like they do. They're not friends. Brett knows that and Eddy convinces himself that they are just friends.

What's much more painful is Brett had always vocally addressed his love for Eddy. He never denied it, he's too in love with the man. Eddy always swept it under the rug, treating Brett's love for him as a mere infatuation. He treats it as if it was a teenage crush. Yes, Brett's been in love with Eddy ever since they were teenagers but as they grew up, the love grew deeper and stronger.

Brett never blamed Eddy for making him fall in love. He's well aware that he was the one who did. There was no point in blaming Eddy. Eddy was just being himself and Brett just fell.

Eddy came home with hickeys on his neck and he could barely walk or stand up alone. Brett doesn't know if it's because he was too drunk or he got fucked too hard, but it doesn't matter. Eddy needed Brett and Brett will take care of Eddy no matter what.

Eddy sat on the foot Brett's bed, flinching a bit at the pain he felt. Brett immediately removed himself from the covers and slowly crawled next to the younger boy. He sat next to him and rubbed his back. Eddy lied his head on Brett's shoulder.

Eddy didn't cry nor did he want to. He just wanted to feel like home again. He just wanted to make sure that he does have a home to come back to. He knew that he can come to Brett anytime.

Brett opened his arms and Eddy fell right into them. He just allowed Brett to hold him tight and ground him back to reality. Still, Eddy didn't cry. He held Brett back, thanking whoever out there that could hear him that he had Brett.

After a few moments, Eddy looked up from Brett. His stare almost asking for permission. Brett nodded, knowing what the younger meant by the look. The younger crawled on Brett's lap and made their foreheads touch while Brett placed his hands on Eddy's shoulders.

Eddy leaned in into the kiss, slowly molding his lips unto the older's. Brett brought his hand down and allowed it to rest on the younger's waist. Eddy always tastes different every time they kiss.

The different taste is stronger when he wants to erase remnants of her that's within his reach. It's just accidental that when they kiss, Brett's longing is at a maximum. Eddy never kissed Brett with the intent of love, he only kissed him as a way to remember her or to apologize for slowly fucking up his life.

Brett kissed back as if he accepted his apologies, even if he knows that those apologies are futile the morning after. Brett doesn't blame Eddy for doing all this. He just wanted to forget her.

Brett wanted to forget his feelings for the younger, too. He doesn't think that he could do so. He tried so hard, but he can't allow himself to fall apart. Eddy is still holding onto him. So, what Brett does is just become his home.

That's what he will be in Eddy's life, even if it means just staying that way.

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