XLIV. andante cantabile by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

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When the wind blows east, you could hear your soulmate's thoughts. When the wind blows west, you can tell your soulmate anything you want to tell them by whispering it to the wind. Eddy Chen was feeling the wind from the west, so he whispers his affections for his soulmate. Brett Yang was feeling the wind from the east and hears his soulmate's thoughts and whispers. Suddenly, Brett hears what Eddy said.

warnings: expletives, fluff

Third Person POV

They decided to drive two hours to go to the beach for their merch photoshoot. It was a good idea to showcase the new button up shirt. Even if it was a winter in Australia, it was still good to go to the beach. They felt like they needed to be away from their usual city life and relax on the beach for a while.

It was a good idea since they were so busy back in the city. Their photographer was nice enough to tolerate them for a two hour drive. I mean, they did try their best to not be annoying. The car ride was filled with both serious and not so serious conversation.

After the dreaded two hour trip, they immediately went outside to stretch their limbs. It can get pretty exhausting even if you're just sitting down. Brett and Eddy were preparing the merch that they carefully ironed before going out this morning.

After getting dressed, despite the cold wind blowing, they went to do the shoot. Eddy's shoot went great because he's a natural when it comes to him. It's amazing how he could do it effortlessly.

Eddy already had an idea who his soulmate was. He knew it but his soulmate didn't. His soulmate is Brett. Brett doesn't know. Eddy wants Brett to know in his own time.

Eddy could feel the wind on his west and he whispered to Brett. It was cold but Eddy was more immune to the cold than Brett. Brett usually doubled his jackets during the winter even though it wasn't really that cold in Australia.

"I am always yours. Remember that, dear Brett." Eddy whispered to the wind, knowing that Brett will be able to hear it.

Brett on the other hand, was taking longer for his shoot. He just really doesn't know how to be natural when it comes to posing. He thinks that it always somehow looks awkward and something felt out of place. Now, he's taking longer but as their photographer took the photo, he could hear his soulmate's whisper to him.

Eddy words echoes into his mind and he knows that voice. He knows that voice after hearing it for years now. It's the first time that Eddy has whispered to him. Brett just relaxed and the photographer was now happy with the shot. Their amazing photographer was fixing his gear and saving all the files, leaving Brett and Eddy alone.

Brett approached Eddy on his spot. They were quietly admiring the waves as they fall on the shore. The wind was too cold for a swim so no one was around. Brett visibly shivered and Eddy moved next to him. He wrapped his arms around Brett and Brett just gave in, wanting to regain the warmth that he had lost.

The wind was blowing east of their direction. Brett was thinking too much and Eddy was just listening. His mind relaxing with Brett in his arms and the sound of the waves quietly whispering on his ears. He could hear Brett's mind racing.

What if he finds it awkward?

What if he only sees me as a brother?

His hands are warmer than I remember.

I feel safe, I always have if he's around me.

The way he holds me as if he doesn't want to ever let me go.

I knew I always loved him, just not the way I expected.

Did he mean it when he said that he will always be mine?

That stopped Eddy on his tracks. He closed his eyes and held Brett closer to him.

I meant it, Brett. Please stop overthinking. You're ruining our moment with the sea.

With that, Brett seemed to lean more into Eddy had held him back. He leaned his head in Eddy's shoulder, the height difference makes Brett fit better on Eddy's body. Eddy just felt better because was now relaxed. The wind was still blowing east but it was calmer now and much more quiet.

There was a serene moment between them. No one wanted to break the moment until Brett went in front of Eddy. The wind was now blowing west or Brett's direction and east of Eddy's direction. It was still quiet but Brett engulfed Eddy in a hug, resting his head on Eddy's chest. Eddy holds Brett closer to him, both keeping him warm and safe.

He removed himself from the hug and whispered in the wind.

"You have always been mine, lovely. I just hope that you love me as much as I love you."

Eddy caressed Brett's cheek as he felt tears flow down on his own. Brett wiped his tears and went to his tiptoes. He softly kissed Eddy, as Eddy was still processing everything in his head. After a while, he kissed back. He was the one who deepened the kiss.

They both pulled away and just stayed in each other's embrace. The drive home with their lovely photographer was quiet and peaceful. Their home might be two hours from where they are now, but their always home in each other's arms.

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