XL. violin concerto by Erich Wolfgang Korngold

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When the sun rises in the morning and sets in the night, Brett Yang and Eddy Chen know that they are just lucky that they fell in love with each other.

warnings: expletives, fluff

Third Person POV

When the sun rises, both Eddy and Brett are still asleep. Even if Brett slept later, he always woke up first. He still couldn't believe that he gets to wake up to the one who truly loves him. He loves him, too. He loves him very, very much. He tries to give the younger whatever he can. Their friends and relatives tell him that he spoils Eddy too much for it to be good. Who can blame Brett, though?

Eddy Chen deserves what Brett Yang is able to give him. Eddy does not take advantage or take Brett's selflessness. In fact, there are days where he avoids asking because he knows. He knows that Brett will give him the entire world if he can. Eddy only asks Brett one thing and one thing alone.

"Please, don't ever stop loving me."

Brett wanted to tell Eddy that he didn't have to ask that. It will be like asking him to stop breathing, to stop living. Living for Brett is knowing that he gets to wake up next to him, sleep next to him, think about him, play for him, but at the same time, he does it for himself.

Eddy's imperfect days are where he does not want to live for himself. He just gets so unmotivated and he feels like he isn't worth anything. Brett never really knew how to solve it, so he just drops everything and listen to Eddy. He takes a break with him to heal their mental health. It's is important for them, too.

This is a part of Eddy that Brett had learned to accept. He loved him, nevertheless. It's not like Brett will stop loving Eddy because of something he cannot change and something he doesn't have control of.

Brett had always been in charge of breakfast and dinner, only because Eddy can't cook. During breakfast, Eddy is amazed at how Brett learned to cook. He wouldn't admit that he did it for them, but he did. Brett learned to cook from his mom so Eddy wouldn't have to suffer terrible meals. Eddy smiled at the fact that Brett is doing a lot of things for him.

He really appreciates everything that Brett had done for him. Brett shows his love by gifts and words while Eddy shows his love with touches and physical affections. Eddy was never good with words but he communicates his feelings with Brett. It's the best he could do for Brett. He is better than he ever was before.

Brett wasn't perfect, too. Sure, he was patient, caring and understanding but at the same time he wasn't as affectionate physically as Eddy. For Eddy, who's love language is physical affections, he felt touch starved sometimes. Brett was a bit distant with physicality because he's insecure with his body. So, Eddy always tries to bring out this side of Brett.

Brett also tries hard for Eddy. They both try hard for each other. They wouldn't let the other go for minimal things. So, instead of fighting them to straighten up, they encourage the other to compromise. Because aren't relationships supposed to be give or take?

When breakfast is over, Eddy grabbed their used utensils and plates and washed them. He doesn't complain or whine about it, he's just doing his part so they could be equals in the relationship. Brett hugged him from behind and rested his head on Eddy's back. Eddy smiled at the move and happily continued washing the dishes.

Late mornings and afternoons for them are productive times. This is the time where they brainstorm, where they film and answer emails together. It's the time where they get everything done. Sure, routines bore them out of their minds but it helps them have time during the night.

They both know that they're really vulnerable during the nighttime where it's only the two of them. It was the time where Brett could speak all of his honest and pure (sometimes not so pure) affections for Eddy as he holds him tight. Eddy held him back and whispered things that he never gets to say to Brett during the broad daylight.

The sunset isn't that visible from their apartment unless they go out on the balcony. Most of the time, they'd miss it because they were recording a video or is talking with their team about a new release for the apparel. They usually don't have dinner at 5, it seems like it's too early.

From their younger years, both would usually eat at around 7 to 8 pm because when they get home from school, they use the period between going back home and dinner for studying and practice. They feel that dinner at 5 is will simply get them hungry during midnight. So, Brett prepares dinner at around 7.

Not much is said during dinner time. It's one of those moments where the quiet is more recharging and makes them forget that they've had a long day. It doesn't matter for them, though. They're doing what they love and what they've been passionate about since the beginning. They're both just glad that they got to do it with one another.

After dinner and cleaning, they both get ready for bed even if they aren't sleeping yet. They just think it's easier than going to bed and getting up again to brush their teeth, wash their faces and pee. So, even if they're probably going to spend the time in bed together using their phones, they still hold each other close.

Eddy is the first one to get tired of using his phone. He takes of his glasses and wrapped his arms around Brett's waist. Brett used his phone for five more minutes and he followed suit. After removing his glasses, he faced the younger and held him back. He whispered sweet nothings on his ears.

Eddy giggled a bit, he's very ticklish and Brett learned that the easy way. Eddy placed his head on the crook of Brett's neck. His lips was brushing against the skin of Brett's neck. Brett smiled as he kissed the top of Eddy's head.

"Please, don't ever leave me." Eddy whispered, voice weak as if he was begging.

Brett doesn't answer but holds the younger tighter and removed Eddy's head resting from his neck. He instead kissed him deeply, allowing his physical affections answer Eddy. Both had enjoyed the response as Eddy held onto him even more.

Sometimes, your significant other's love language becomes yours.

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