LXI. poeme in f-sharp major by Alexander Scriabin

699 18 12

Family matters are always complicated and complex, especially if no one wants to talk about it. But, the moment Brett Yang and Eddy Chen talk about it, all hell breaks loose, in a good way. It feels like imprisonment and release at the same time.

warnings: angst, heavy topic about family but the ending is fluffy

a/n: sorry everyone for ghosting this book! But I am back with 4.8 k mess of a fic. It's longer than usual and I hope you enjoy it! An update or two of None But The Lonely Heart may come soon, maybe towards the end of the month. Thank you for the support!

Third Person POV

Jean Yang never really questioned why his father had him and raised him alone. It was never really something that bothered him because he understood why his father might not date other people. What confuses him though, is even if his father was present, he didn't exactly feel complete with him.

It seemed like there was a certain distance between Brett and Jean that he could never really explain. Don't get him wrong, Jean knew his father loved him. Sometimes, it feels like a part of him is still missing. His only excuse is that he didn't really meet his mom, that's why a part of him was still missing.

Brett and Jean were on their way to his uncle Eddy's apartment. There were days where Eddy seemed more present in his life than his father was, but he couldn't really crucify his father much. His father was always trying and always gave him exactly what he wanted and needed. His father just showed love differently than Eddy did.

It might also be the natural barrier between a parent and their teen child. Of course Jean would feel awkward to talk to Brett about some matters and that's why Eddy was there for the awkward conversations and questions.

Eddy approached them by his door and greeted both of them with a hug. Brett and Jean knew this routine too well. They always had experienced it ever since Jean was born. Brett had experienced this before Jean was born, even.

Brett and Eddy had been doing YouTube for quite some time now. It became the reason why Brett was able to provide for his son well. It was also the reason why Jean got close to Eddy.

"Brett, did you talk to our editors with regards to the video we'll upload on Thursday?" Eddy asked as he went to the kitchen to give Jean water.

Brett and Jean sat down the couch as Eddy was approaching them. Brett nodded and Eddy seemed happy about the answer.

"Jean, we'll just film for a while, is that okay with you?" Brett asked.

"Yes, it's okay. I'll either study or read something, anyway." He answered back, smiling at his father.

"Okay, thank you Jean. If you need anything just grab it. Eddy couldn't be mad at you even if you stole the entirety of this flat." Brett joked, which got him a slap from the back of his head from Eddy.

"I mean, not like I'll make an effort to stop you but I do need a place to live in." Eddy replied.

"You could live in the house with papa. You've done it in Singapore, you could do it here again." Jean joked back at Eddy, smiling at him.

Brett nervously chuckled at that. Jean looked at him with a confused look and Brett immediately had to defend himself.

"If you're living here then you get no support from us." Brett joked back.

"I could sell some of your things for a huge amount of money. Especially that old violin of yours, papa. It's a nice Scrollavezza too." Jean threateningly said.

Brett fake gasped, pretending to be offended at the statement. Eddy just laughed at Brett's response.

"That violin is still perfectly fine. That will be my wedding gift and inheritance for you."

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