LXI. symphony no. 3 in d minor by Gustav Mahler

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In a universe wherein your heartbeat is your soulmate's name in morse code, how does it affect Brett Yang and Eddy Chen? What if Eddy was not aware of morse codes and Brett was obsessed with them from a young age? Will Brett tell Eddy that he knows or will he let Eddy figure it out on his own time?

dedicated to: asphodelgrey (check her out, her one-shots book is amazing!) Sorry it took so long, I somehow couldn't be satisfied with it, but with enough editing, it turned out better.

warnings: expletives, fluff

Third Person POV

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A beat. Three consecutive beats followed by two separate beats. Three consecutive beats followed by two separate beats. Three consecutive beats followed by a separate beat, followed by three consecutive beats, followed again by three consecutive beats.

This had always been Brett's heartbeat ever since he could remember. A name, a person, a beautiful man... Eddy. He knew it the moment that he met him. His intuition screaming at him, his heart knew it more than his young and naive self did.

He knew, he was obsessed with morse codes ever since his parents told him that the beat of his heart is his soulmate's name. So, he listened everyday. There are times where hearing and feeling his heart had lulled him to sleep and calmed his nerves.

He did not know it when he was fourteen. Now, he is twenty-one. He had met his soulmate seven years ago but his soulmate does not know. Eddy never bothered to know why his heartbeat was like that.

Oh, not to mention, Brett has been in love with his best friend for years.

Brett didn't know it before but now he knew. He knew why he always longed for Eddy's attention and affection. He knew why he loved Eddy so close to him. He knew why he used all these covers, these mattresses, these pillows to replace the warmth of the body that he wants next to him. He knew now why he would accept Eddy completely.

He was so in love with Eddy that he does not mind if it's returned. He was happy just loving the younger man. But humans have limitations, even the most patient man would lose it.

Tonight, that might be it for Brett.

Eddy was lying down on his bed, Brett sitting on the desk that Eddy has. It was a quiet moment for Eddy was just resting while Brett was typing away in his computer, finishing his honor's paper. It was comfortable until Eddy spoke up.

"Brett, have you ever wondered why our heartbeat is so unique from other's?" Eddy asked, absent-mindedly.

"Oh, you haven't been taught?" Brett asked back.

"Been taught what?" Eddy asked, eyebrows raised and ears open.

"Your heartbeat is your soulmate's name but it's in morse code..." Brett explained quietly.

"Oh, I have heard of that! When I was young my mom always told me about it... I kinda just forgot?" Eddy said honestly.

"You forgot how?"

"You know how mama and papa aren't exactly in good terms? I just figured that if it will end up in separation, then why should I try to match with whoever this beloved of mine might be?"

"But, what about your pair?"

"I'm not completely giving it up, I am just saying, it sounds too cliche but if it's meant to be then it'll be."

"Have you figured out who your soulmate is?"

"No... Not really."

"Not to invade your personal space or choices but do you mind if I check on your heartbeat?" Brett asked, afraid of whatever or wherever this might lead to.

"Yeah, sure. I think it's about time that I know it, too. Just figure it out first and tell me, okay?" Eddy said, surprisingly calm.

Brett stood up from the chair and sat next to Eddy on the bed.

"Is it okay if I place my fingertips here?" Brett asked placing his hands lightly on the pulse in Eddy's neck, knowing that Eddy might get tickled.

"Yeah, just be careful..." Eddy said as he closed his eyes.

Brett placed his two of his shaking fingertips on the pulse and took note of the feeling. This is the moment of truth for both them. Brett tried so hard not to focus on the smoothness of the skin, the warmth. Instead, he listened and felt the heartbeat under his fingertips. Eddy breathed deeply and Brett took note of the inhale and exhale.

Nothing will change after this, right?

Brett thought as he took note of the beats.

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Brett was nervous.

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Brett could feel his heart drop.

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Brett could feel his heart break, but there's still hope. He holds on to it.

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A symphony that Brett is conducting in his head is out of control. The tempo is all over the place, some instruments are coming in the wrong time, the cellos are out of tune and Brett cannot hear every single instrument alone. He could only hear a mess.

--- --- ---

Brett let out a breath he did not know he was holding. A sonata plays in his head and it's not an ordinary one. Franck is replaying in his head as he lets his hand leave. He closed his eyes to prevent tears fall from his eyes.

A relief, pure joy, curiosity is satisfied now. For a second his forgot his given Chinese name.

Bo Yao.

Eddy opened his eyes, no words are needed. Brett knew what he wanted to know.

"E-eddy... I-" Brett said, speechless and breathless. He does not know if Eddy wants to know it.

"Just tell me, Brett... I want to know." Eddy pleaded, on the edge of curiosity. He does not know if he will be pushed off or pulled away by Brett.

"It's, me..."


A moment of silence passed over them.

"That's it?" Brett asked.

"What do you mean that's it?" Eddy asked, quite offended.

"Don't you feel anything about it?"

"I mean, I do. I've known you for so long and I loved you ever since I can't remember. I never had the courage to know which name my heartbeat spells out because I do not think it matters. I just love you so much, Brett." Eddy spilled, all those days, years of waiting, he had the upper hand now.

"It doesn't make sense! I'm the one who's been in love with you all this time... I knew who my heart screams out before we even met. Oh my fucking hell, were idiots!" Brett explained, tears of joy and sentiments spilled. He was amused and satisfied at the same time.

Eddy pulled Brett down on the bed as they both cried of happiness. No words need to be spoken, they were sure that the time they have spent together in that bed had been enough to word out all the things that they couldn't speak before.

How come you have known my entirety, before you even came to my life?
Whatever it may be,
I thank the world for pulling us to each other.

Whenever you find my heart on your hands,
remind yourself that I would give it all to you without asking.
Whoever you might be with in any given place,
know that I will be home, waiting.

Why we are here?
I could and would never know.
It does not matter, though.
I will conquer everything with you.

I love you always.

-a vow from their wedding, whoever it might be from (doesn't matter, they're already one anyway)

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