Forbidden Lovers (🎭 PART 5 NSFW)

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P.L. dropped his script and walked over to you, wrapping you in a soft hug. "(Y/N)..." he whispered, closing his eyes tight. You giggled softly and kissed his cheek. "It's good to see you again..." You rubbed P.L's back and everyone just stared. You pushed his chest and looked into his eyes.

P.L. smiled at you, and looked all around you, seeing the woman you'd become. His eyes dart to your hand and you could have sworn that you felt his breath hitch, you sighed softly and lead him back up on the stage.

"That's a big diamond..." he stated, picking his script back up. You nodded and looked at your wedding ring. "Do you have children?" He handed you a copy of the script, all of Belle's lines already highlighted.

"Like I'd tell you if I had any children..." you chuckled. P.L. looked at you, a bit hurt.

"Oh... I didn't mean it that way P.L..." you placed your hand on his arm and he stepped back. You sighed.

"Alright people! Let's get started then!" Geoffrey commanded. You sighed softly and clutched your script in your hands, wondering which part P.L. would play. You got off the stage and read the little stage directions that P.L. had written. You smiled at them and ran your fingers over them.

You went through the play and assumed that P.L. played Lumiaire. You walked around the castle set in dismay, looking around cautiously. Cogsworth and Lumiere had their banter scene, P.L. wasn't either. You furrowed your brows, "Hello? Is anyone here? Please, I'm looking for my father." You read.

"Belle? Is that you?" The man playing Maurice called. You turned around and looked at him rushing to him. "Papa!"

"How'd you find me?" The man grabbed your hands desperately, "Your hands are like ice! Who has done this to you?"

The man looks panicked, he was a great actor, you'd never worked with him. "Belle, you must leave this place." He whispers just loud enough. You gulp softly, "I won't leave you here!" You pause when you feel a stare. Your eye twitched and you squeezed the man's hand.

"W-Who's there." You didn't even have to ask the question to know who was looming in the shadows. "I know someone's there. Who are you."

"The master of this castle." You jumped softly at his booming voice. It had a voice module over it, making it deeper than you'd ever heard it. "Then you're the one responsible for this! Release my father at once!"

You still felt those rustic eyes, "I do not take orders from anyone. Get out!" He yelled, you almost stumbled back into the cage, "No! Wait! Forgive me. Please. Let him out, can't you see he's not well?"

You looked back at Maurice and held his hand tightly. "Then he should not have trespassed here."

"But he's an old man! He could die!" You whimpered, looking as hurt as you possibly could, stirring up some feelings of your own.

"There is nothing you can do." You could feel him breaking character seeing you in such a state. "Wait. Please... take me instead." You bowed your head.

The man wrapped an arm around your waist. "Belle, you don't know what you're doing!"

You looked down at the arm and felt a bit uneasy, that wasn't in the stage directions. "You would do that? You would take his place?" The Beast said, you nodded, "If I did would you let him go?"

"Yes. But you must promise to stay here... forever." The eyes were off of you, you assumed they were now looking at Maurice. "No!" Maurice begged, holding you tighter. You pushed his arm away and stepped to the side. "Come into the light." You demanded.

P.L. was in fact staring at the man in the cage.

Geoffrey laughed loudly and you looked out into the audience, "That was perfect! The fear! The attachment! The boiling temper! I love it!" He clapped and walked up on stage. He hugged you once more. "You're perfect for this role luv."

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