The Opera House (🐍 NSFW)

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A/N: HIIIII I know it's been a while... it's been a while since I've written so please bare with me. I hope you enjoy. I had the urge to write something for you all!!! Love ya!

Tonight was the night. You and a bunch of other staff members from Hogwarts were attending the Opera. You were more excited than you could express. You always enjoyed the theatre and plays and you couldn't deny that you had a little work crush.

Severus Snape. The Potions Master. He worked just down the hall from your class room, Defense Against The Dark Arts... everyday when he walked passed your classroom or walked into your office to ask you a question you couldn't help but stare. You were infatuated and the spectacle of the mystery he exuded made your face and other things... hot.

You would fight as hard as you could tonight to sit beside him during the performance. As you put the finishing touches on your outfit you looked at yourself in the mirror, smirking slightly. You wore a lower cut black dress paired with red lipstick that matched your heels just to make everything look nice.

You took a breath and walked out of your home, going to McGonagall's classroom in the castle, the meeting place before everyone would depart. You were an hour early because you always thought being early was important... but you weren't alone. Severus was leaning against a desk, a book in his hand, comfortably resting on his fingers.

You stared for a slight moment before clearing your throat to get his attention. His dark eyes immediately looked up in your direction and he closed his book with one hand, tucking it under his arm, "Professor (Y/L/N). You are early."

"Yes sir. Early is on time. On time is late. Late is you're dead." You chirped, putting your heels together to straighten out your posture.

Severus hummed and placed the book down on the desk, it was Gaston Lerox's Phantom of The Opera. The play you and the rest of the crew were watching tonight. "Do you like the book Professor?" You asked, walking over to a desk to sit on.

Severus looked back at you, not expecting to carry on a conversation with him. "Umm... yes. I am enjoying it... it's a very interesting plot. I do not like musicals though."

Your mouth fell open, "I'm offended. Musicals are good! Especially this one. It's the best musical!"

Severus raised a brow, "Perhaps my opinion could be swayed... that is if it's as good as you say it is."

You nodded, "Maybe I should sit beside you to make sure you stay awake."

Severus chuckled briefly and stared at the floor, "Perhaps."

Right on cue McGonagall walked in and smiled warmly at the both of you, "Ah! Good... you are both here. We only have a few more to wait on!" She smiled and looked at your dress, "How charming (Y/N)! Severus can I see you in my office?"

Severus looked at her and nodded, following her to her office, leaving you in the room by yourself. You sighed softly and looked at the book he left on the desk. It was tabbed and marked up. Annotations. You couldn't help but pick it up and flip through it, just to see what was going on in his mind.

He highlighted a lot of descriptors describing Christine's beauty. Interesting. A couple of other teachers came into the room and you put the book back, walking around to look at the posters and books around the room.

When Snape and McGonagall returned all the teachers were waiting to depart for the theater. She smiled and rounded them all up, taking them to the opera house with a quick apperation. You smiled and felt warm. You loved it here and looked all around at the different people surrounding you.

You walked over to McGonagall, "Isn't it just lovely here??" You smiled ear from ear and she laughed a bit, nodding. She warmly rubbed your shoulder and you sighed like you were in heaven. You could feel dark eyes on you, watching your every move. They were coming from the corner. You glanced over in the direction and Severus stood there, leaning against the wall. You blushed a bit and straightened out your back.

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