The Command Ship (👽 NSFW)

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"Cut! Everyone take five." You looked to the director who was storming out of the room. Frowning, you covered up your exposed breasts, you were close to giving up.

Your costar and boyfriend on the show flopped on the makeshift bed beside you, staring at the ceiling. The two of you were doing a sex scene. "What am I doing wrong Alex?" You huffed.

Alex bit his lip, it was a habit of his, he didn't want to tell you something. "You're... you're not responding correctly. Joe wants big reactions, tit grabbing, whatever." You could hear the distaste in Alex's voice. "It's completely unprofessional. Why'd they keep our characters together again?" Alex sat up and looked at you with furrowed brows.

You sighed and reached for the water on the bedside table. "They don't really care we broke up."

Alex scoffed and got out of the bed, picking his jumpsuit off the ground.

"You're married. I'm sure your wife doesn't like watching this bullshit." You grumbled.

Alex chuckled softly and grabbed the water from you, finishing off the glass. "Bold of you to assume she watches my work." You could see the small vessel in Alex's temple rise to the surface.

You got up and ran your hands down his arms, "What else does she not do?"

Alex grabbed your wrist, locking your arms behind his body. "You're still thinking about the things we do?" he said in that deep baritone voice that you loved so much.

You looked down ashamed, "I always think about the things you do. But I've learned to control them... because you have found someone else..." You choked out as emotionless as possible.

Alex walked up to you and got in your ear, "I need someone."

You swallowed all the built up saliva in your mouth. "I'm tired of having to care about someone else's needs, I need mine satisfied, and it seems as if you are the only one that holds that power." He whispered. You clenched your jaw, Alex ran his hands down your arms. "Please (Y/N)," Alex said, his hot breath still on your neck.

If you would've been in control of your muscles, you were sure that your legs would buckle. But then again, there was Alex holding you up, supporting you. "Yes." Was all you could say, still looking at the ground.

Alex planted a little kiss on your neck, "Yes what?"

You took a few deep breaths, "I want to make you cum.... I want to fulfill your needs, I want you."

Alex's leg twitched, "When was the last time you were pleasured?" You knew the exact answer, but you didn't want to answer. Alex saw this and ground his hips into your ass, making his erection known to you. "Gah.... ummm," You tried to collect your thoughts, "Three months!"

Alex cocked his head to the side and walked in front of you. "Three months... that's a very long time..." it was also the time that Alex and Julia had been married.

Your eyes fell on Alex's pants, you stared at the outline of Alex's cock in his pants. "I- I...." You sighed knowing you were past the point of no return. "It... felt wrong."

Alex smirked, "What felt wrong?" You groaned and your head rolled back, "I didn't want to call out your name, I didn't want to envision you while I came. I didn't want you thinking of me!"

Alex stood directly in front of you, his fingers brushed over your clothed nipples. "I always think of you (Y/N), always have," he slipped his hand under your nude colored panties, running his fingers along your folds. "Always will."

You groaned again, "Fuck Alex~"

Alex chuckled, "You will." Alex let go of you, you watched as Alex removed his shirt. You didn't realize how much you missed his muscles until just now. "How do I always forget..."

"Forget what?"

Alex smirked and walked over to you, backing you up to the mock control panel on the set. "I always seem to forget that I owned you. Every scar, every freckle, and beauty mark. They all still belong to me, don't they?" Alex hoisted you up on the panel, wrapping your legs around his waist.

"Yes..." you breathed.

Alex pushed his erection in between your legs. "Did you miss the way I felt filling you up?" You squirmed and nodded, "Have you fingered yourself since?" Alex rolled his hip when he didn't get an answer. "If you want this cock, you are going to have to answer my questions."

You tightened your legs around Alex, brining him closer. "Yes!"

Alex nodded, "When?"

"Alexander please..."

Alex shook his head, "Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. I don't think you understand me... now answer me, pet." Alex growled, making you shiver.

"After every time I came home after filming...! I couldn't go to sleep if I didn't!"

Alex raised his brow, "How long ago?"

You sighed, "Last night..."

Alex traced his fingers down your waist, to your heat. "Then you should be good and ready for me, correct?"

Your eyes gleamed with mischief, "Always..."

Alex smirked and grabbed your waist band, ripping you panties down, he ran his hands along your body, "Damn I missed your pussy...." he whispered.

You held your head up, "What was that?"

Alex looked up at you, "Nothing... don't worry about it."

You sighed, "Please just fuck me senseless into this control panel."

Alex chuckled, "Fine, but only because you asked nicely..." Alex unzipped his pants and let them fall to the ground.


Alex once again bit his lip, "I knew you'd come around one day... I needed easy access." Alex teased your entrance, dipping his tip in and pulling it out.

You whimpered and bucked your hips, "Please Alexander."

"No. This is what you get for thinking you can live without my cock... You deserve this." You took a deep breath and grabbed Alex' hand, you rubbed it, trying to feel Alex's skin somehow. Alex finally pushed himself fully into you and you both let out a long moan.

"Oh fuck... I think you lied to me~"

You grabbed onto the control panel, "I haven't touched myself in three months... I wanted to wait for your cock..." You moan, "I lied because I didn't want a prep. I wanted it raw~" you bucked your hips as Alex set his pace.

"Naughty girl... lying to me. I would punish you but I don't have any of my toys."

You whimpered slightly and felt the buttons of the control panel dig into your back. Your head fell back and you tightened your grip.

Alex scoffed and roughly thrusted into you. "I don't think you deserve to cum... lying to me~ it isn't like the trained little girl I remember. S-such bad Etiquette"

You grabbed onto Alex's bicep "Please Daddy... please let me cum. You won't regret it! I'll clean myself up~!" You threw your head back and moaned as Alex hit your g-spot. Alex smirked and hit it again. "Alexander~" You yelled, not caring who heard.

Alex chuckled and came inside of you, he didn't give you a warning, you apparently didn't deserve one. You whimpered and rubbed circles into your clit, trying to reach your orgasm. Alex pulled your fingers from your clit.

"No baby... please let me finish... please I'll do anything." You pleaded.

Alex shook his head and tucked himself back in his pants. "No more lies." Alex took off his wedding ring and walked down the ramp, leaving you alone and horny.

I have no clue what happened here but hey! It's something 😃

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