Forbidden Lovers (🎭)

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A/N: Just a quick little disclaimer. In this story you're sixteen, the age of consent in England is sixteen! So if the idea of this makes you uncomfortable feel free to skip! Thank you! -Layla

"Alas! Poor Romeo! He is already dead!" A man recited on stage. You smiled softly as you watched him, P.L. O'Hara... god was he a dream. He moved across the stage perfectly, oh how elegant was he. But that was bad for you to crush on a man of his age. You were only sixteen. You rubbed your head and closed your eyes, ripping your gaze from the man.

He was the perfect Mercurio, the perfect comedian. You were so into your fantasy that you missed your cue. Meredith stormed up on the stage and look down at you, "Ms. (Y/N)!"

You flinched and looked up at him, thank god it was only a rehearsal. It was the last rehearsal before the show was to be put on stage. "You missed your cue! How do you expect to be Juliet when you can't even concentrate on a simple cue?!"

You gulped softly and got up, smoothing out your dress, "I'm sorry sir.. I'll do better next time... I promise..." you whispered. Meredith grabbed your neck and threw you onto the stage. "The only reason you're here is because you are the only girl with the lines memorized!" You stumbled onto your knees and shook your head.

You took a deep breath and got up you kept your eyes down and went to your mark. You recited your lines with Romeo and rehearsal was finally over. You sat down on the front of the stage and looked out into the empty audience, swinging your legs.

"Meredith doesn't get much better." You knew that voice. You smiled to yourself, "Hey Mr. O'hara..." you looked behind you and up at him. He crouched down beside you and looked at the chairs. "I understand that this is your first big role." He studies the empty rows, the ones he'd seen packed oh so many times.

"Yes sir... it is... I'm really nervous..." you shook your head and sighed, "It's silly really..."

P.L. Shook his head, "I don't believe it is... I remember my first big role. I'm sure I was just as nervous as you... but thankfully I had a director that was no where close to Meredith. He was kind. Loved the theater. Really inspired a young man such as myself."

You looked at him and smiled softly. "There is something he told me all those years ago. If you believe that you were given talent or given a gift, then it is your responsibility to share it." P.L. Stands and offers you his hand, you smile and take it.

"You have talent Ms. (Y/L/N). It is your duty to share it!" He spun you around and smiled at you, he looked especially handsome in his leather trench coat and buttoned up vest, like a true performer. "Thank you Mr. O'Hara... that really helps..." he nods and smiles at you, "Of course. I'll see you tomorrow Ms. (Y/L/N)." He lets your hand go and smiles, walking off the stage.

You sigh softly and run backstage to change into your normal clothes. You giggle and click your heels, and started to undress. Geoffrey knocked on the door softly and you opened it, smiling. "Hey! What's wrong this time?"

He sighs softly and rolls his eyes, "How do you always know something is up?"

You smiled and folded your costume, "You smell like Meredith's cologne." You changed into your regular clothes.

Geoffrey sat down on the tuffet. "He was frustrated... I had to help him."

You hummed and sat across from him, "He's so mean to you Geoffrey..."

"Well P.L. Doesn't even notice you!" Geoffrey said, sitting up.

You hit his leg and rolled your eyes, "We don't speak of that man. I don't want Meredith throwing a fit over it and firing me. Because I know he isn't going to touch P.L. It'll ruin his production if he fires that man."

Geoffrey hummed in agreement and crossed his arms over his chest. You got up and laid your hands on Geoffrey's knees. "Plus! He did notice me! He talked to me after my moping session!" Geoffrey chuckled, knowing good and well what you were talking about.

"I wish I could say the same about Meredith... he notices me yeah... but he doesn't care about me..." You sighed, "You probably should give up on him Geo... he only cares for himself..." Geoffrey rolls his eyes and stands up. "Yeah... yeah... I know..."

You sighed softly and walked out of the dressing room, holding Geoffrey's hand. "You want to walk me home?" You smiled, you were trying to keep him from going back inside to Meredith where he'd be mistreated.

"No... I uh... actually left some of my things in the theater.. but I'll walk you home tomorrow after the cast party!"

You sighed softly and nodded, "Alright Geo... be safe. Please." You let his hand go and kissed his cheek, walking home in the cold, by yourself.

A/N: This is part one! Please proceed to part two if you wish to continue to read!

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