The Potion (🐍 NSFW)

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I know what the beginning of this looks like but just hang in there and we'll get to the good part! ;)

It was a new day at Hogwarts, and the winter break had just ended. This year was hard for you considering that next year you'd have to leave this elegant castle and all your friends behind to move in with your older boyfriend, Lucius Malfoy.

No one knew of your relationship, but even the thought of him excited your loins. You walked into your last class of the day, potions. Professor Snape had always been your favorite professor and was the person who introduced you to Lucius. You had a lot of respect for the man and your relationship had been pretty strong. Up until recently, that was.

Severus stopped offering you private lessons and you no longer ate lunch in his classroom, though it hurt you Lucius thought it was for the best, the last thing you needed was an old man praying on you. You thought it was quite hypocritical for Lucius to say that but you never dared to argue with the man.

You sat at your desk and opened your textbook. Everyone was silent once they read what was on the chalkboard for today, page 385, Amortentia. You knew why everyone was silent, they were completely shocked, as were you.

Severus emerged from his office and walked to his podium, he looked normal, unfazed as always. Your hand shot up and he raised his brow at you, "Yes Miss. (Y/L/N)?"

"I'm sorry to ask sir but why are we brewing Amortentia?" You tilted your head a bit and Severus looked to his board.

"It's a part of your standards." He said nothing else on the matter and looked like he wasn't telling the entire truth. "Turn your books to page 385 and get started." He commanded, fixing his sleeves and grabbing some tests from his younger students.

You sighed softly and got to work. It wasn't long before people started to finish and smell their potions. Some girls in your class were giggling and whispering to each other about who they smelled. It took you a while to finish your potion, not being too good at the lighter ones like this one, dark arts was your specialty.

You finally finished and took a deep breath, a bit nervous about what you were going to smell. You took the lid off your cauldron and took a deep breath. Your face went a deep red, that didn't smell like expensive cologne, bourbon, and copper. No, this couldn't be, you smelt leather, old books, and fire.

You slowly looked up at Severus who was looking at you with a cocked brow. What a dick, he knew what I'd smell. You thought to yourself. A small smirk pulled at the corner of Severus' lip and he looked away.

You shook your head and pulled out a piece of parchment, writing Lucius about what had taken place today. You folded it up and went to a near balcony, summoning your owl. She came quickly and took the letter. You turned around, satisfied, but the smile your face held faded as you ran into what felt like a refrigerator.

You slowly looked up and found the dark-haired potions teacher staring down at you, his brow once again cocked. "I don't remember dismissing you from my class (Y/N)." That was the first time Severus called you by your first name in over a month. Oddly enough it was a lot more attractive now than it would have been then.

"Professor... I'm sorry for leaving but I had to send an urgent letter." You held your head high.

"I see... and I'm sure Mr. Malfoy will come barging in any moment now to save you from the scary monster you wrote about. Because he cares so much about you... yes?"

You looked away and cleared your throat, "I just thought that the stunt you pulled in class today was very inappropriate."

Severus chuckled, "Not everything will be about you (Y/N)." The deep growl... his warm breath on your face as he talked... and the way he was talking down to you, you were wet.

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