The Arranged (💐 PART 2)

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The next morning when you woke Brandon was absent from your room. You sat up and stretched, wondering where Brandon was. You quickly got dressed and called McKenna to your room to tie your corset. Today you were wearing a yellow dress with sunflowers sewn into the back.

McKenna smiled at you and tied the corset, "Tell me... how was last night?"

You blushed slightly and looked at McKenna through the mirror, "He passed father's test... with the belt? I- I really like him McKenna... he's handsome... charming... considerate... honest.. and good. He's passed two tests so far! I-I know that father wants the best for me... and I think he's it.."

McKenna smiled and rubbed your shoulders, "It's only the first day darling... make sure you know him before you make a decision."

"Yes of course..." you stand and hug McKenna, "You're the best... I'm uh... going to go visit mother seeing as Brandon is no where to be seen."

McKenna nodded and handed you your straw bonnet. You put it on and she tied it, "He's in the gun room with your father, they're brandishing their guns."

You giggled softly, your father and his guns. You bowed your head and exited your room, going to the stables to fetch your horse, Felix. One of the stable men helped you onto the horse and you snapped his reins, riding off to the garden.

Felix went fast, knowing the route so well, he could probably do it with his eyes closed. Once you arrive to the garden you slid off of Felix and tied him up at the front. You slowly walked to the roses and kneeled in front of them.

"Hello mother... I'm sorry I didn't come see you yesterday... a man visited me... another to try and claim my heart on fathers long journey to find me a man. I am aware that it is all my decision and I think I'm glad father has given me this opportunity. The man that stays with me now is gorgeous inside and out." The portrait on your mother's headstone had that same smile, one you rarely saw as a child.

"He passed almost all father's tests... he's bashful and observant.. last night he was sweating because he was nervous... he's like... a calm fire. He makes my body feel hot if I get too close... warms me up when he's near... and the way he moves is mesmerizing. I have to spend a week with this man and not once has he offended me or made me uncomfortable..." you looked into your mothers eyes.

"If this is the one I shall end up with... I move to London.. I will not be able to speak with you often and that breaks my heart... maybe I shall get him to plant roses in his yard.. I'm sure he'll listen.." you carefully picked one of the roses and fiddled with the petals, "He's older than me... fifteen years to be exact... He's tarnished and worn by the cruel and vile that the men call this world. I believe that's what makes him so kind... so knowing... so aware... I think I may have an... admiration... for men old enough to father me."

Your mother was silent of course. You sighed softly and before you could stand Brandon kneeled beside you, looking at the grave. "Colonel! When did you get here?" You blushed softly, hoping he didn't hear the conversation that you just had with the inanimate stone.

"Your handmaiden said you'd be here, I apologize if I was interrupting something." Brandon stood and you smiled up at him, "No... I was just about to leave..."

Brandon smiled and helped you up, looking at your dress. "You look beautiful... sunflowers are my favorite. I have a field of them behind my home in London."

You smiled and smoothed out your dress, "Roses are my favorite... remind me of my mother."

Brandon wrapped his arm around your waist and you lead him out of the garden to your horse, "They're poetic I think... so gorgeous... but can cause much pain if not handled properly." Brandon said, helping you onto Felix.

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