Adventure's Done (🐍)

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Severus sat on your bed, staring into oblivion. He felt empty on the inside, he felt paralyzed. This was all his fault. He didn't do enough, he wasn't good enough. In his hand he held a letter, something you'd written him.

"Dear Severus,
Don't worry, it's almost over. I know you worry for me but what leaves you so on edge is beyond me. I promise this mission is just that, another mission. I'll come back, I'll lie in your arms, and pepper kisses all over your face. We may have left on a bad note but that doesn't mean I love you any less, darling.

There is no need to fear, tomorrow is another day, another day we shall both breathe oxygen and stare at the same moon, whispering to it in the late night, yearning for us to be close. I know you'll be counting the days until my return and I shall be counting the seconds until I can kiss you again. Now stay strong for me, wait by the door for my return if you need to. I love you so much, (Y/N)."

Severus had read the letter so much most of the words were worn off the parchment but he knew it by heart. He stood and his legs felt like jelly, he'd never thought this day would come. He looked to the door and expected you to burst through, smiling, practically bouncing with excitement.

He almost felt sick in this room, feeling so worthless. He folded up the letter and tucked it away in his pocket. He ran his hands along the books that lined your bedroom, each spine being worn and tattered from being read millions of times.

Severus rested his head against the bookshelf and a flashback to your last conversation hit him like a truck.

"Do you believe your love for Lilly has left you blind? You've let me into your beautiful and charismatic mind. But her walls are the only you won't let me behind. With her half of your memories and I only a quarter how can I be sure that I'm bolder.

Do you know how it hurts to watch you love her through the times? It is only our love that you can bind. I'm so twisted I'm speaking in bloody rhymes! Is it my destiny to be the one left behind?!

My brothers, my mother, my father, my best friend they've all left me into tomorrow's end. I thought you'd be different I thought you'd stay but it seems Lilly is the only one to keep you at bay. I'm the one who is lost! I'm the stray! I'm the one everyone casts away!" You stood and tears streamed down your face as you looked at the man with dark eyes. The man you loved, the man who was slipping through your fingers.

He didn't say anything and you nodded, "Fine then. Goodbye Severus." You walked away from him, leaving him to his thoughts, indefinitely.

Severus gripped the shelf and sighed, this was his fault. If he would have just mustered up the courage to tell you he loved you more than Lilly than all of this would have gone away, you'd be in his arms, you'd be on earth. He never knew that his stone heart could break in two, until the moment you fell from his arms that is.

He wasn't sure how he was meant to go on. He walked to the table that the both of you used to sit at and eat dinner, having food fights, playing intense battles of chess, and card games that would go on until the sun came up. He sat down in his usual spot, looking down at a photo album Minerva had made for the both of you after you got married.

"Loving is easy when you love your bestfriend." You had scribbled into the book right beside your wedding photo. Life was so much easier when he had his bestfriend. Severus took a deep breath and wiped his eyes, he stood and closed the book, "Our Adventure." The front read.

Severus put his hand over it and frowned, "Adventure's done (Y/N)..." he whispered, picking the book up and sliding it onto a bookshelf where it would be lost forever. There was no more pictures to fill the book, there wasn't a world to take on without you.

Severus walked to the small bathroom and looked around at all your trinkets that decorated it, that you had forced him to put there. He sighed softly and walked to the bed, laying down, your scent hung heavily in the air. He could still hear your voice, "I love you Severus Snape..." you'd whisper into his ear with a kiss each night.

He looked down to the black ring that was wrapped around his finger, the one you picked out for him, he knew he'd never touch it, never take it off, it was going to be apart of him.

"I do." You said confidently at the wedding, he had never felt so much relief in his entire life than when you said those two simple words.

He knew he'd never be able to get rid of you, and he was perfectly ok with that. He never wanted to forget you, he wanted you to live on within him. He would curse anyone who did try to forget your outgoing and bubbly personality. He'd remembered how you'd changed so much from the moment he met you when you were just preteens.

He married the weird bookworm who always sat in the corner of the library, silent and alone. He felt so honored to watch someone as beautiful as you blossom.

Severus finally closed his eyes and heard something, something that made him feel so relaxed, so not himself. "Don't worry... it's almost over..." you whispered into his ear. Severus' entire body relaxed, his muscles letting go, his soul letting go.

And just like that, he was reunited with you. Embracing you in a hug in which he'd never let go.

Severus Snape
Died Of A Broken Heart

Hey hey hey! Wanted to write this for all my singles who needed a good cry today! I hope I achieved my goal! :D Wanted to be in my feels, worked for me! Love ya!

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