The Christmas You'll Never Forget (🔫 PART 2 NSFW)

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You sat down across from him and shook your head, glancing at the gun on his desk. He followed your eyes and folded his arms over his chest. "Three minutes ago... not even... you were crying. I come to console you. And you choose not to utter a single word."

You look up at him, almost offended. You wiped your nose, your mascara running down your cheeks. "Well maybe if you come back in three to five business days I'll finally realize that the man who killed my boss in cold blood is a tender man who just wants to know what's wrong." You retorted, clenching your fist.

Hans chuckles and sits back in his chair, "Fair enough." You rolled your eyes and put your face in your hands, all you could see was Takagi and his frightened expression. Hans sighed and arose from his chair he closed the blinds and walked behind you, softly rubbing your shoulders.

You furrowed your brows, not expecting this at all. It was comforting. You leaned into his hands and relaxed a bit. "Because of your reaction, that is the first time you've seen something like that." He muttered, it was like he was completely detached from the world. You just nodded softly and he told Fritz to leave the room with a wave of his hand.

He tilted your chin up and back to look him in the eyes. His eyes were gorgeous and said a million words in which his lips didn't. "That man out there. The one using you as if you were nothing but battle armor. You wouldn't happen to... be infatuated by him?" You shook your head softly, still hypnotized by his face.

"Good." Hans said, letting your chin go and sitting back down. You sighed softly and relaxed in the chair. "That's better Ms. (Y/N). Now... will you talk to me?"

You sighed and crossed your legs, you fixed you dress and glanced at him. "I've only ever seen death once..." you whispered. "I- I've never seen someone shoot another human." Hans leaned forward on his desk, he was really listening. "I see."

"And you didn't hesitate... at all..." you frowned and scratched your neck. "Well. I've had a lot of... practice." Hans said, studying you. You cringed at the words and nodded. "I'm sorry... that was inappropriate." You looked away and fixed the bra strap that was falling down your shoulder. Hans watched your hand carefully. "Daddy issues." He grunted.

You looked up at him, a confused look on your face, "It took me a while. But I know what you mean." Your eyes got wide and you blushed, looking down. "Yeah..." he chuckled softly and sat back in his chair, "I'll be your daddy any day."

Your face became a deep red and you looked up at him, blinking. You gulped softly and was compelled to stare into his eyes. The endless oceans of brown captured you. It was then that you realized your noses were brushing together. The door flew open and Hans stood, looking at his goons, "He wasn't lying about Marco. He's down on the street. The other man was Heinrich. And his bag is missing."

Hans looked to the side, "But he had the detonators." You sighed softly and Hans picked up his walkie. You placed your head down on the desk and touched your nose where his brushed. "We have to shut him up! He's going to tell them everything!"

Hans' smooth and strangely calm voice snapped back, "Let him. I'm waiting for the FBI to come. Until then, he can waste as much time as he likes, but we must find the bag. Take the girl out to the hostages, I must have no distractions." You looked up at Hans and he didn't look at you. Karl grabbed your arm and pulled you back to Holly.

Holly frowned softly and looked at you. You shook your head and sat down, taking off your heels. Gillies grabbed your arm, "Alright. Here's my plan-"

"I don't want to hear it Gillies." Gillies furrowed his brows, "What you think you got a better plan?" You nodded softly and pulled your knees into your chest. Holly huffed and signaled one of the goons over. He walked over and raised a brow, "I'd like to talk to your leader please. I have a few requests." The man sighed and pulled her to the office.

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