The Ball (🇺🇸)

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This is dedicated to one of my friends AlanReagansSugarBaby , she is a huge Alan Reagan fan so I had to write her a personalized fic. I hope you like 😩

It was in the middle of June on a warm summers day. Angela was lounging on her porch, reading the newest book that she'd acquired. It was then in the middle of it she was interrupted by the phone ringing inside.

She sighed and got up from her lounging position and walked inside, carefully discarding the book. The phone continued to ring until Angela picked it up, "Hello?" She answered, her voice smooth.

"Good evening Mr. Parker." A voice answered.

Angela furrowed her brows, she knew that voice, but she wasn't Mr. Parker. "Ron... I think you may have dialed the wrong number again." She sighed softly and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"Oh no Mr. Parker. I've got the right number. Now. Mr. Parker I have to ask something of you." Ronald's voice was deep and had just the right amount of country twang. "Tonight there will be a ball and sadly enough my wife, Nancy, cannot attend. Therefore I will ask if you and your wife, Angela, would like to attend."

Angela thought for a moment before laughing. "Well... I'm sorry Mr. President, I cannot attend. But my wife Angela can." She smiled and twisted the wire of the phone in between her fingers. A pink tinge crawling up the back of her neck.

"Perfect. I'll pick her up at five." Ronald hung up and Angela put the phone down, giggling loudly. She'd never been invited to a public event with the man she'd been with for three years now.

"God Almighty... screw Nancy." She ran to her closet and looked through it. Ron gave her no other details beside the fact it was a ball. She thought for a moment and tapped her foot.

Red. Ron was a Republican. Was this Mr. Parker a Republican? Did Mr. Parker exist? She huffed and shook her head, she was overthinking this. She grabbed her red dress that hugged her figure and went to her bathroom to kill some time.

It was four thirty before she slipped into her dress. Angela looked in her mirror and smiled. She hadn't felt this beautiful in a long time. It was refreshing.

Downstairs there was a soft knock at the door, and with it Angela's heart fluttered, she looked to her bedroom door and put her shoes on, quickly going downstairs.

She stood at the door and her hand hovered over the knob. The knock sounded again and Angela took a breath. She opened the door and deep brown eyes bore into her own. "Hi Ron..." she whispered.

Ron smiled at her and grabbed her hand, kissing it softly. "Good evening Mrs. Parker." He hummed.

Angela laughed and pushed his shoulder softly, "Oh stop." She shook her head and walked past him. Ron's brows shot up and he looked back at her, following her to the car.

"Now who do you think you are talking to the president like that, Angela?" He followed her tail and Angela tried hard not to laugh. She got into the car and Ron got in behind her. "Now I'd like you to answer me when I'm talking to you."

The door shut and Angela bursted out in laughter, "Oh come on. We all know who answers to who in this car." She smiled.

Ron rolled his eyes, "You look stunning." He mumbled, getting close to her ear. His warm hand ran up the slit in her red dress and Angela swatted his hand away.

Ron gasped sharply and squeezed her thigh, smiling brightly. Angela yelped and laughed loudly, "Stop Ron! You're going to mess up my hair!"

"Oh but it's bound to happen tonight..." he whispered, kissing at her ear. "Isn't it Doll?"

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