The Makeup (👽)

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This is dedicated to anabellethecreator because I know she's been in her feels recently and I know Alex is her comfort character!

Ana sat on the couch in the living room, watching yet another Mark Ruffalo movie. Though her boyfriend despised when she did this... he wasn't home, no harm, no foul.

The front door of the house opened and Ana quickly fumbled for the remote, turning the channel. A huge sex scene was displayed on the screen, the movie Happy End playing. Ana blinked at the screen, her frantic button pressing broke the remote and the channel would no longer change.

Alex looked at the TV, his brows furrowed, "What the hell are you watching?"

Ana jumped slightly and flicked the TV off, standing up and brushing the crumbs from her Snuggie that Alex had gotten her. "Cartoons!" She answered quickly, picking up her empty popcorn bucket.

"Mmhmm." Alex took off his jumper, tying it around his waist. He'd just been at another convention. "How was it?" Ana walked to him and put her arms around his waist.

Alex sighed and leaned down, he was much taller than her but he adored when she would stand on her tiptoes to kiss him. He rested their foreheads together and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Tiresome..." he sighed.

Ana kissed him softly, "Come on..." she grabbed his hand and lead Alex to the bathroom. She pulled up a chair and sat him down. They looked at each other in the mirror and smiled. They occasionally shared comforting silence, Ana was the only person who could calm Alex's nerves. She understood his dry humor, and made him laugh again, made him feel alive.

"Are you ready?" Ana asked, knowing Alex hated what came next. Alex nodded and watched Ana's face to distract him from her pulling off his headpiece. The only reason Alex didn't like this was because it ripped out his hair, giving him a small headache.

Ana slowly ran her fingers between the glue and his hairline. Alex closed his eyes tightly when she got down to his neck and cringed. Ana was going slow, being very meticulous.

Once it was disconnected from his head she carefully pulled it off and set it on the counter. Alex sighed and ruffled out his sweaty golden brown hair. Ana grabbed some makeup remover and sat on his lap, pecking his lips softly before starting to remove the foundation, concealer, and purple eyeshadow that was on Alex's temples.

This was Alex's favorite part, he got to look into the eyes of the woman he loved dearly. He loved it when her brows were furrowed out of careful concentration, knowing she was being as gentle as possible. He placed his hands on her thighs and rubbed his thumbs over them carefully. "Do you want to hop in the shower with me darling?"

Ana smirked and looked into his eyes, wiggling her eyebrows.

Alex laughed and kissed her, "I'm sweaty."

"And I'm Anabelle Taff. I don't see your point."

"The soon Anabelle Dane."

Ana furrowed her brows in shock and grabbed Alex's chin making him look into her eyes. "Come again?"

Alex threw his head back and laughed, reaching behind her into his drawer. He pulled out a box. "I want you to marry me." He placed it into her hand and closed it.

Ana looked down at her hand, her eyes wide. "You're kidding." She looked back up at him to try and find him lying or joking. Alex shook his head, "Be mine. Forever. It's all I can ask of you."

Ana opened the box, it was simple and subtle, the most beautiful thing Ana had ever seen. "Alexander..." she whispered, taking it out and slipping it onto her finger, it fit perfectly. She threw her arms around Alex and cried into his shoulder.

Alex smiled and closed his eyes, his heart was beating out of his chest, he was so scared of her declining his request. "Say it again..." Ana whispered.

Alex chuckled, "Anabelle Dane." He whispered into her ear. It sounded so perfect, it was clearly meant to be.

Alex got up, pushing Ana off of him, and walked to the bed. "Come here darling... I want to lay with my fiancé." He mumbled. Ana gladly walked to him and kissed him passionately. Alex smiled and held her face in his large hands. "Oh just wait until I tell Gwen..." Ana whispered.

Alex chuckled and kissed her head. The both of them laid down and though Alex was sweaty and gross from being under stage lights all day Ana ignored it. She happened to have a fondness for disheveled men, especially Sir Alexander Dane.

All I shall say is. Sorry this was so short, Yes. I will be making a part two. :D

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