The Aftermath (🦁)

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Requested by pringkiewon hope you enjoy!

Could Lionel see you right now? Your legs were sore and your wrists were raw from baring the rope that was tied around your wrists, your toes cramping from standing on them.

Lionel sat at a desk he'd moved into the room, he was working on some paperwork while smoking a cigar. He was the one that hung you there as a punishment. You closed your eyes and tried to even out your breathing, trying to distract you from the approaching pain.

Lionel glanced up at you and put his papers down, he walked to you slowly, you could hear his dress shoes click against the marble floor. You just thought he was leaving the room but you felt his warm hand on your cheek, he kissed your head softly, thinking you'd fallen asleep.

Lionel hummed softly and carefully untied your wrists, holding your waist. Once you fell into his arms he picked you up and carried you to the bath in the corner of the room. He laid you down in the water, making sure your wrists didn't touch the bubbles, knowing it could hurt you.

You peaked at him through your eye lashes, Lionel was stripping off his suit, being as quiet as he could. You whimpered softly and reached out for him. He grabbed your hand and kissed it, "I'm right here darling..." he whispered before getting into the bath.

Lionel slipped his hands under your arms and pulled you onto his chest. "Did I go too far my love..?" He asked carefully, laying his head on yours. You nodded softly and Lionel clicked his tongue. "I'm sorry darling... I'm so sorry..." he rubbed your back and you opened your eyes.

"I was caught in the moment..." Lionel placed soft kisses onto you head.

"Me too..." you whispered, your voice hoarse from the previous screaming. Lionel nodded and grabbed a wash cloth, this was always your favorite part. He laid you back and made sure you were warm in the water.

He wet the cloth and lathered you up in soap, he was very concentrated as he washed up your arms, his brows furrowed. You smiled softly and reached out, slicking his hair back with the water that was on your hands. Lionel chuckled and kissed you before returning back to washing your body.

Lionel looked at the red marks on your wrist, guilt pinging in his stomach and chest. He clenched his jaw and you watched him, "I deserved it..." you whispered.

Lionel's eyes flickered to yours and then back at your wrist. "It's funny... I can't even remember what you did..."

You smiled, "That's because you're an old man..." Lionel of course rolled his eyes and you giggled, "I teased you in front of all your Shahbandar stock holders... called you daddy... growled into your ear... just as you do to me.."

Lionel chuckled softly and shook his head, "You just can't control when you're horny can you my lioness?"

You smiled, "What can you do? It's breeding season!"

Lionel hummed and looked into your eyes, his smile slowly fading into a serious gaze. "I know I'm not perfect... but I- umm..." Lionel scratched the back of his head. "I think you're perfect... less flaws than me... and I don't think I could imagine what I'd be like without you..."

Lionel never got soft like this, he mostly kept his hard exterior, pushing his walls up when he felt you get too close. "That's why I believe... that... I'm in love..."

Your shoulders slumped softly as you looked at the man in front of you, "You love me..?" You whispered.

Lionel looked into your eyes and nodded softly, "Yes... I love you... I'm in love with you... and- and you don't have to love me... though I'd like you to... but I'd understand... I need to be more understanding..."

You smiled and grabbed Lionel's face, kissing him passionately. He hummed into your mouth, melting into your kiss. He was usually so rough, it was so comforting to see this side of him, especially considering you were almost always asleep when he did after care.

"I love you too Lionel..." you whispered, giving him an Eskimo kiss. "I really do..."

Lionel chuckled and kissed you again before getting up. He picked you up bridal style and to the bed in the middle of the room. He covered you up and tucked you in before kissing your head. "Get some rest darling... you deserve it..."

You nodded softly and cuddled into the blankets, "Thank you my Lion..."

"Anytime Lioness."

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting yesterday... I've been with my family recently... I have some big and heavy stuff for tomorrow.. so heads up for that. I hope you enjoyed this little story! Thank you -L.

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