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"ANDRIANNNA!!!!!" I hear Miranda shout.

"Oh thank god. You scared me." She releases a breath of relief.

"Miranda?" I whisper and she looks up at me.

"He is awake." I say as tears form in my eyes.

"I heard." She gives me a soft smile.

"He is finally awake, Miranda. Oh god." I lower my head in my lap.

"Hey hey, easy there, Anna." She slowly lifts my head and keeps her hands on my shoulder.

"What do you feel right now?" She asks looking straight into my eyes.

"Are you kidding? I am beyond happy! He is finally awake. After 6 years, Miranda! He is out of coma!!!!" I exclaim letting the happy tears fall freely on my cheeks.

"I understand. I am happy too. But what about Jack?"

My smile vanishes hearing his name.
I didn't think about him. I have moved on right? I was giving Jack and I a chance. I can't back off on that! I can't do this to him.

"What should I do Miranda?" I ask feeling helpless.

She was about to say something when a ping on my phone cut in between.

Another voicemail from Brian.

I look at Miranda and then to my phone. Picking it up I play the voicemail.

"Andrianna, if you think I told you this to drag you back. No. That's not it. As I said this is a desperate call. Ever since Xavier has woken up, he has been a mess. He is haunted by all the nightmares and hallucinations and what not. Plus he hasn't stopped asking for you and Samantha. For Samantha I made up an excuse that she is on a mission. But he is asking for you Andrianna. He doesn't know yet that it's been 6 years since he has been in coma. With Samantha gone, I cannot handle him alone, Andrianna."

He takes a pause.

"So I am calling you to ask for a favor. Please help me bring the old Xavier back. I know I am asking for a lot, and I am like the most horrible person on this earth. But I would rather be called a monster than losing another best friend. You can totally refuse, or ignore this message, I will totally understand. But I had to turn every stone to save my best friend. Sorry for bothering you Andrianna. Take care, Anna baby."

By the time the voicemail ends, I am a crying mess.

"Shhh, Anna. We will figure something out." She consoles me as I cry while hugging her.

"I---I don't---know what---to do." I say in between my hiccups.

"For now, please calm down Andrianna. We'll think of something tomorrow morning." She says pulling away from the hug.

"Lay down, and close your eyes. I am staying over tonight." She says laying down with me.

"I waited to hear this for such a long time. I never suspected I would have mixed feelings about this." I whisper looking at the ceiling.

"Get some sleep Andrianna, we'll talk tomorrow." Miranda says switching off the lamp.


Sleep didn't come easy last night. After hours of staring at the ceiling, and Miranda trying to get me to sleep, I fell asleep in the early hours of morning. The reason why I woke up extra late the next day. Thankfully it was Sunday, so it wasn't much of a problem.

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