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You know what's been my biggest achievement in these past years? Shiela finally has a better sense of colors now. Yep, you heard it correct. I finally did it!

Mrs. Black left 2 hours ago, and Xavier is in his room, reading a book. Atleast that's what he was doing 1 hour ago. Should I check on him? I think I should.

So, I remove my glasses and get up from the chair. Reaching his door I knocked 2 times and wait for an answer. I can hear some shuffling inside the room so I decided to open the door.

"Xavier." I call out while opening the door a little when he didn't answer.

I see him frantically searching for something in his drawer. He pulls out random things from the drawer and throws it on the floor carelessly and continues with his search.

"Xavier! What are you looking for?" I ask walking over to his side worried at how he is straining his arm to reach the drawer.

"It should be here somewhere. Where is it?" He says not glancing at me for even a second.

"What are you looking for?" I ask again hoping he'd answer this time.

"My gun, of course." He says in a matter-of-fact tone while looking at me for a second and turning to look in the drawer beneath it. But as he reaches out his arm to open the drawer, he loses his balance and was about to bang his head on the side tabletop before I quickly placed my hand beneath his head.


But that didn't stop him.

"Why are you looking for your gun?" I ask ignoring the pain in my hand that got sandwiched between his head and the side table.

"What kind of stupid question is that? Can't you hear it?" He asks in a surprised tone.

Okay why is he surprised? I should be the one who should be shocked at that.

"Hear what?" I ask.

"The gunshots, the footsteps. They are just seconds away from coming through that door." He says pointing to his bedroom door.

He is hallucinating...

"Listen, Xavier. I think you are hallucinating." I say calmly and start taking small steps towards him.

"No I am not. Do you know where my gun is?" He asks searching the drawer again.

"Xavier. We are in your home right now. There is no one here except for us." I say, slowly sitting on his bed.

He stops and retracts his hand from the drawer to look at me with a confused expression.

"Are you--are you saying the truth? Do--do you really don't hear anything?" He stammers.

I reach my hand out and place it gently on his cheek.

"It's okay, Xavier. You're okay." I say slowly stroking his cheek and then engulfing him in a hug.

"You are okay. Everything's okay." I say stroking his hair as he rests his head on my shoulder.

"No, nothing's okay. I am not okay. I will never be okay." He mumbles and then pulls away from the hug.

"I think you should go." He says averting his eyes.

"I am not leaving you like this. Tell me do you need anything?" I ask shaking my head.

"I want you to please leave me alone." He says pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Xavier, don't shut me out. Please talk about it." I plead.

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