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I drive to the mall and meet Samantha and Miranda at the entrance.

Look I am punctual but apparently, these two like to reach before time.

"Hey, you two. Let's get started shall we?" I say walking with them inside the mall.

After about 3 hours, we have finally got everything we need.

Miranda got a black dress while I got a red one for the event. Miranda also got a pair of heels to go with it. As for Samantha, she got some work clothes.

And now we are damn exhausted. We plop down on the chairs at the food court and look around at the various options that we have.

"I'll get the menus. " Miranda says getting up and grabbing the menus of each of the food joints.

And let me tell you why she volunteered to get the menus. It is not out of the goodness of her heart. Rather it's because she doesn't want to place the order and collect it afterwards. I know that after 2-3 experiences.

She comes back in to the table and we go through the menus.

"Okay, so I'll have a pizza. " I say placing the menu down.

"Why do you even look at the menu? The only thing you'll ever eat is pizza or burger when we go out." Miranda says rolling her eyes.

"Excuse me for appreciating the good things in life." I snap back, not harshly of course.

"I'll have a Chinese platter." Samantha declares after a while.

"Same for me. " Miranda says leaning back on her chair.

"Samantha let's go. Because now that she got the menus, she'll not leaving that chair before eating." I say standing up.

But I turn around to see Samantha is looking at the far corner of the food court. I try to look in her direction but don't find anything eye-catchy.

"Samantha!" I raise my voice a little.

"Yeah. Sorry, let's go." She says getting up and we walk over to place our orders.

After collecting the orders we come back to the table.

"Bon Apetit. " I say as we dig in.


Finally, after 30 minutes I reach my home to find the house empty.

Maybe he went for a work thing or something.

I make my way upstairs and change into my nightclothes.

I walk downstairs to brew some green tea when I hear the door open and see Xavier enter.

"Hey!" He says keeping the keys in the bowl.

"Hey! You want green tea? I am making some." I ask making my way inside the kitchen.

"That would be great. Thanks. I am just gonna freshen up." He says making his way upstairs.

When the tea is done I take the two mugs in the living room, place it on the table and make myself comfortable on the couch.

Just on cue Xavier walks down the stairs.

He picks up the mug and sits down beside me.

"So what is on the list today?" He asks.

"SUITS" I reply almost immediately and press play.


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