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Slowly as if reading each other's thoughts, we start to lean in. I can feel his breath on my lips that makes me shiver a little. I close my eyes as we were about to close this distance, relishing this unknown feeling in the pit of my stomach.

But out of nowhere, Xavier wrapped his arms around me again and flipped our places.

Huh? What was that?

I open my eyes to look at him, but he has his eyes closed tightly.

"Xavier?" I whisper and start to pull my hands from around him but stop when I feel wetness on my hand.

I retrieve my hand slowly, dreading to discover what it is. I gasp in horror when I see red liquid on my hand.

"Oh my god." I mutter and look at Xavier who opens his eyes slowly.

He turns takes out the gun from his waistband and turns around, keeping me behind his back. My hands fly over my mouth in shock. Red is all I see on the back of his shirt.

"BRIAN!" He shouts and I see Brian and Samantha running towards us.

As soon as they reach us, without warning Xavier takes off in the direction where he was seeing and Brian follows him. I take a step forward, but Samantha pulls me back.

"He is shot Samantha." I whisper seeing at them disappearing into the crowd.

"I know." She replies. She also has her hand on her waistband, as if ready to pull out her gun when needed.

I look around to see people running here and there, probably trying to get out of this bloody place. Like literally. After a few minutes, I see Xavier coming towards us in long strides.

"Let's get out of here." Xavier grabs my arm while Samantha walks to my other side.

They put their arms on my back and we walk out of the most beautiful and now most horrifying place for me. Once we are out on the main road, we stop.

"Sam, give me your bag." Xavier says in between his labored breaths.

Samantha quickly swings it off her shoulder and gives it to him.

"Won't it hurt you?" I ask him absentmindedly as he swings the bag on both of his shoulders.

"I can't roam around in a bloody shirt, Anna." He says without looking at me and instead looks around.

"Come on." He says taking my hand and walking towards a taxi, with Samantha close behind me.

"City Lights Hotel."

What?! Why is Xavier taking the taxi to the hotel, we have got to get to the hospital.

"But we---" I start but Samantha puts her hand on my mouth.

"We can't go to the hospital. Just don't say anything. I am going to remove my hand." I nod and she slowly takes off her hand.

I am too stunned to say anything right. All of this? This is just too much. He just got shot for god's sake!

As we reach the hotel, we find Brian standing at the entrance.

"Got away." He states as we all walk into the place. We quickly take the elevator and reach our floors.

"I'll get the kit." Samantha says opening our room while Brian swipes the key card in his door.

I take a look at Xavier, who is still standing protectively by my side. His breathing has become even heavier, and I can see sweat drops on his face.

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